Acquia CLI

Local Development

Acquia recommends Cloud IDE as the best environment for developing Drupal applications. However, Acquia also provides limited integration with the following open source alternatives to Cloud IDE for local development:

  • DDEV

  • Lando


DDEV offers a quick and easy way to launch local web development environments. It makes the process of configuring and maintaining environments for web applications simple and efficient.

DDEV provides integration with Cloud Platform so that you can pull database and files from an existing project on Cloud Platform into your local DDEV-managed environment.

To get started with DDEV, see the Acquia integration documentation.


Lando is an open source tool for creating and managing a local LAMP stack for Drupal development through Docker. Lando is created and maintained by Think Tandem.

In collaboration with Acquia, the Lando team has built an open source Acquia plugin for Lando. The plugin:

  • Mimics Cloud Platform environments locally

  • Allows you to easily pull your Acquia site to your local machine through Acquia CLI

  • Allows you to easily push your changes to Cloud Platform through Acquia CLI

  • Installs drush, acli, and other power tools

To get started with Lando, see the Acquia plugin for Lando documentation.

For more information, see the following documentation:

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