Content Hub

Known issues in Content Hub 1.x


Content Hub 1.x will reach end-of-life on September 30, 2024. Acquia recommends you to upgrade to Content Hub 3.x. For more information, see Upgrading from Content Hub 1.x to 3.x.

For the list of supported and unsupported modules for Content Hub 1.x, see Modules to use with Content Hub 1.x.

Issue while syndicating a new translation of an already syndicated entity

While syndicating a new translation of an already syndicated entity in Content Hub 1.x, the published state of the new translation entity on the subscribing site may be unpublished.

Workaround: Syndicate all translations simultaneously from the publishing website or update the newly syndicated translations manually on the subscribing website.

Cloning a database or staging a website causes content syndication failuresAcquia discourages cloning a database or staging a website. However, customers can do this by following the instructions in Staging down syndication websites.
Content Hub compatibility with file storage modulesContent Hub 1.x does not support external file systems in Drupal 8 or Drupal 7.
No operability between Drupal 7 and the current Drupal version
  • All websites in a Content Hub installation must be on the same major version of Drupal.
  • Content cannot be shared between websites running different major versions of Drupal.
Password protection using .htaccess

Websites using Content Hub in development or staging environments that protect those environments using .htaccess password protection may have difficulties synchronizing content. To prevent issues, Acquia recommends that you allowlist both your webhook URL and the path. The path is based on your installed version of Drupal. The path for Drupal 7 is content-hub/*.

For information about using Content Hub with the Shield module, see Modules to use with Content Hub 1.x.

Auto synchronization fails when entities in field collections have translations

Synchronization of content does not work properly when Field collections are enabled on publisher and subscriber Content Hub websites, and where Entity translations are only in use on the publisher website. Field collections are not translatable in all use cases.

The common use case is to leave the field collection field untranslatable and set the necessary fields inside it to translatable. There is a known issue where a host cannot be translated unless it has at least one other translatable field, even if some fields inside one of its field collections are translatable.

Workaround: Errors are partially handled in Content Hub release 1.11.0, and Content Hub indicates in the user interface that this configuration is not supported. Users may continue to experience problems when using translation and Field collections.

Issue when editing filters for websites with large numbers of tags

If you have a large number of tags (800 or more), the filter controls may stop working when you save a filter.

Workaround: Reload the content discovery page.

Error when editing Views filters

When you edit a saved filter in Content Hub, the filter controls may stop working. You may receive AJAX errors when using exposed filters.

Workaround: Upgrade the Views module to 7.x-3.13 or later. If you must continue to use Views version 7.x-3.11 with your website, apply the patch described in issue 1809958 on

Valid webhooks fail to registerIf the server hosting the publishing or subscribing website is not keeping correct time, webhook registration can fail with the following error message: There was a problem trying to register Webhook URL [URL]. Error Code = 4005: The provided URL did not respond with a valid authorization.
Metatag module does not export from URL with trailing slash

When using the Metatag module, Content Hub may not export content if you include a trailing slash when using the -l parameter with Drush.

  • Correct usage

    drush -l queue-run acquia_contenthub_export_queue

  • Incorrect usage

    drush -l queue-run acquia_contenthub_export_queue

Content Moderation and auto publishing conflictsContent Moderation module users may experience issues with auto publishing in Content Hub. See Saving filters and publish settings. In Content Hub 8.x-2.x, Acquia introduced the acquia_contenthub_moderation module where status changes are properly reflected. See Content moderation with Content Hub.
Book module incompatible with Content Hub 7.x

The Book module is incompatible with Content Hub 7.x.

Workaround: Disable the Book module to use Acquia Personalization with Drupal 7.x.

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