Acquia CDP

Output connector

CDP-Klaviyo integration

CDP-Klaviyo integration includes the following steps:

  1. CDP generates CSV files during campaign execution.

  2. CDP stores the CSV files to an SFTP location through the CDP SFTP output connector.

  3. The Workato SFTP connector picks the CSV files from the SFTP location and pushes their data to Klaviyo.

Integrating CDP and Klaviyo

  1. Create a new SFTP location or use an existing one.

    This must be a shared location accessible to the CDP SFTP output connector and Workato SFTP connector.

  2. Configure a CDP SFTP output connector for Campaign or Campaign+.

    The connector must have valid configuration and working credentials.

  3. Import a Workato recipe that can access the shared SFTP location.

    The recipe must have a valid API connection and must be in the Started state.

  4. In the Klaviyo UI, create a list or use an existing list.

    You can find the list Id in CDP. The list must be present in the Klaviyo application during campaign execution.

  5. In the CDP UI, create a campaign that uses the same CDP SFTP output connector that you configured:

    1. On the Audience page, add customers with valid email addresses.

    2. On the Content page, select Email Address as the output field.

    3. On the Destinations page, use the following predefined format for the file name:

      - klaviyo_wk_<ListId>_<Date Suffix>.csv

      For example, klaviyo_wk_e3Gr2_20220224112002.csv, where:

      • klaviyo_wk is a predefined prefix.

      • <ListId> represents the list in Klaviyo.

      • <Date Suffix> is the date suffix in yyyyMMddhhmmss format.

    4. (Optional) Select the Add current date suffix checkbox in Campaigns+ while selecting the SFTP destination.

    5. (Optional) On the Destinations page, edit the fields in the Output Attribute Mapping section to rename campaign attributes to match the Workato SFTP connector field names, ensuring case-sensitivity.

      You must provide the same name in the Workato recipe mappings.

  6. Configure the Workato SFTP connector.

    Before running the Workato SFTP connector, you must configure it to map the input data from the CSV file. You can map the input fields from a CSV file to the predefined fields. You can also define custom fields if any required fields are not present in the predefined fields. You can find the custom fields in the Klaviyo UI. To configure custom fields, contact your CDP team.

    The following are the predefined fields in the Workato recipe:

    • Email

    • Phone number

    • Execution id

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Organization

    • Title

    • Address1

    • Address2

    • City

    • State/Region

    • Country

    • Zip

    • Source

  7. Check the profile attributes in the Klaviyo UI after the successful execution of the campaign. To know more about Klaviyo profiles, see Understanding profiles in Klaviyo

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