Acquia CDP

Creating Campaigns

With the Data Activation process, you can create campaigns in Customer Data Platform (CDP).

Organizing campaigns

In CDP Campaigns+, you can structure your folders to easily manage and access campaigns, strategies, and channels so that your marketing campaigns stay organized.

To access Campaigns+:

  1. Sign in to your CDP user interface.
  2. Click Actions > Campaigns+.

    CDP displays the Campaigns+ landing page:

  3. Use the following icons in the menu to manage your folders:

    Folder SearchSearch a specific folder or campaign.
    Recent FoldersView the list of the most recently created folders to quickly access your recent work.
    Create Folder

    Create a folder to organize your campaigns.

    You can create multiple nested folders. However, Acquia recommends you to not create more than three nested folders.

    With this folder structure, you can organize your marketing campaigns for easy navigation and management of channels, campaigns, and specific strategies within your agencies.


With Campaigns+, you can build target campaigns or segments with selected audiences for your downstream marketing channels.

Steps to build campaigns or segments

The following table lists the steps in the campaign builder that help you personalize the audience strategy:

1AudienceDefine your audience by selecting from the list of business rules to include or exclude the audience. You can use the AND/OR operator to combine the business rules.
2Segments and Variants (optional)Split and sort the logic within a campaign.
3ContentPre-select a list of fields before post-processing matches them with a downstream channel to enrich their dynamic data.

Select a destination.

Destinations are connectors such as Email Service Provider (ESP), Social Media, Data Management Platform (DMP), SFTP, and Cloud Storage. The audience selection is downstream to a channel.

5ScheduleDefine the timing and frequency of the campaign.

Campaign functionality

The following table lists the functionality that you use while building campaigns or segments:


Empower strategy campaigns with specific business filters.

The following are the two layers of strategic operation with four types of operators:

  • First layer, Include and Exclude operators: These operators group and combine business filters to align with the nature of your strategy. For example, an “Include” operator aids in targeting combined business rules, while an “Exclude” operator eliminates undesired business rules from your campaign scope.
  • Second layer, AND and OR operators: These operators enhance the depth of your strategy. These operators work in conjunction with the “Include” or “Exclude” operators. The AND operator refines your campaign’s audience by adding an extra layer of criteria that returns true if both operands ensure precise targeting of the audience. The OR operator expands possibilities, accommodating diverse business filters within your strategy.

You can employ these operators universally across all business filters or selectively target specific business filters within a broader set of filters. With this flexibility, you can fine-tune your campaign approach with precision.

Categories filters

Streamline your campaigns by using a precise category of business filters to generate audiences.

CDP provides 160+ standard business filters grouped under selected categories. These pre-built filters assist in targeting the right audience for your marketing strategy. You can add new categories or custom filters to relevant categories.

The following are the key categories:

  • Customer Attributes: Refine by email status, phone number, primary address, and zip code.
  • Events Activity: Target based on emailclick, smsclick, pushclick, browsed, and appopen.
  • Purchase Activity: Filter by transaction placed, product purchased, Average Order Value (AOV), and revenue decile.

Some business filters have sub-categories for hyper-targeting. Sub-categories include data from events, messages, products, organization summary, and more. For instance, under the key category filter Event Activity, emailclick is the targeted engagement. It can be combined with email details such as name, subject, and send date from the Messages sub-category.

Creating campaigns

To understand the process of creating campaigns, consider the following scenario:

“As a marketer, I want to create a campaign that engages customer behaviors, triggering personalized communication through email based on event activity across our website, and I want to exclude any event activity from my application.”

The following sections explain the procedure to achieve this scenario.

Creating a folder

To get started creating campaigns, first create a folder to house campaign details.

To create a folder:

  1. Sign in to your CDP user interface.
  2. Click Actions > Campaigns+.

    CDP displays the Campaigns+ landing page. By default, CDP selects the Campaigns+ folder.

  3. Click the Create Folder icon.

    CDP displays the Create Folder dialog box.

  4. Enter a name for the new folder.

    Ensure that you provide a descriptive name representing the campaigns or strategies that the folder needs to contain.

  5. Click OK.

You can view, arrange, and manage the folder content. You can perform the following actions:

  • Select the newly created folder to see future campaigns and additional functionalities associated with the folder.
  • To move, delete, rename, and view permissions, click the Kebab menu icon next to the folder.


To create a new campaign:

  1. Sign in to your CDP user interface.
  2. Go to Actions > Campaigns+.

    The system displays the Campaigns+ landing page.

  3. Click New Campaign.
  4. In Enter Name, enter a name for your campaign.
  5. (Optional) In Description, enter a description of your campaign.

    You can see the folder path where the campaign is saved.

  6. Click Next.

    The system displays the Audience page.


To add an audience:

  1. To add an inclusion operator:
    1. In the Include customers who section, click the Add Group icon.

    2. Select the Event Activity category.
    3. Add the Performed an event business filter.

    4. Do one of the following:
      • Select equal to for a single event.
      • Select in for multiple events.
    5. Select the next value as productBrowsed.
    6. Select in the last for the timeframe field.
    7. Select minutes, hours, weeks, or days from the list.
  2. To set up AND and OR operators:

    1. Click the Add Rule icon.

    1. Select the Customer Attributes category.
    2. Add the Email Status business filter.
    3. Select equal to and select V.

      V signifies a verified email address.

      CDP combines this business filter with the AND operator.

  3. To set up an exclusion operator:
    1. In the Exclude customers who section, click the Add Group icon.
    2. Select the Event Activity category.
    3. Add the Performed an event business filter.
    4. Select equal to and exclude the emailOpen event.
    5. Select in the last for the timeframe field.
    6. Select minutes, hours, weeks, or days from the list.
  4. (Optional) To add a refined sub-category to the existing rule:
    1. Click the Filter icon.

      CDP displays the Add Refinements dialog box.

    2. Select the subtype business filter.

      You can select equal to for one event or select in to combine multiple events from the list. For example, call-to-action or banner click.

  5. To view the audience count, click the Refresh icon.

    Wait for a few seconds for completion of the refresh process. If it takes too long and you encounter the Unable to get count error, select a relevant optimizer, wait for a few seconds, and try again.

    Ensure that you populate all the fields with valid values. Otherwise, CDP displays a red vertical line before the rule and returns the following error message:


The audience count does not take into account any individuals that are suppressed by downstream steps, including dropped segments or variants, audience members without content, and/or suppression in the execution channel. For example, if the content includes last abandoned products but the audience member has not abandoned a cart, CDP counts them in the audience and does not include them in the campaign extract. This can lead to discrepancies between the count you see on the Audience screen and the actual count delivered during execution seen in the Execution history, or in your Email Service Provider (ESP).

Segments and Variants

This step is optional. You can skip this segment by clicking Next. For more information, see Segments and Variants.


Add fields under Customer Attributes. For example, First Name, Last Name, Address Type, and City. You can use these fields as static or dynamic content. You can also personalize values such as Dear <first name> <last name>.


Select the email connector, and set up the channel and the destination table.

Schedule and Summary

Review your campaign and set up a recurring execution, if needed. You can turn on the Schedule toggle to select the starting date, time, and ending options. The Summary screen provides an overview of your campaign, including the audience count, content, and other details.

Execution history

On the Summary screen, click the Kebab menu and click History to view the history. CDP displays the campaign’s history, executions, status, and export details. You can also view graphical representations, share and download campaigns for monitoring and reporting purposes by using charts and graphs.

Finalize your campaign

Finalize you campaign by selecting either of the following:

  • Save as a recurring execution if the scheduler is on.
  • Save as a draft if the scheduler is off.
  • Deploy immediately by turning the scheduler off and clicking Send Now.


Acquia recommends you to not run or schedule more than four campaigns every 15 minutes.

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