Site Factory

Managing Site Factory accounts


The information on this page describes how to manage accounts on Site Factory. If you want to remove your account from an Acquia subscription or, contact Acquia Support and request that they delete your account.

Regardless of who you are or what permissions you require, Site Factory uses a centralized, OpenID-based system to manage user accounts. For example, administrators can use this centralized account registry to access the Factory interface for managing websites, while site visitors can use the registry to view content on an Site Factory-hosted website.

Both the Site Factory Management Console and all of the websites that it manages use the same OpenID accounts, so you can use an account created on one Site Factory website to sign in to your other Site Factory websites and even to the Site Factory Management Console itself (assuming that you’ve been assigned a Site Factory Management Console administrative role).

You can view and manage your Site Factory accounts at either the Site Factory Management Console level or in each individual website.

Editing your user profile

Site Factory stores the information you provide about yourself (such as your name, email address, and user avatar) in your user profile.

To edit your user profile:

  1. Sign in to the Site Factory Management Console.
  2. In the Site Factory admin menu, click the [username] link, where [username] is your account name.
  3. Click the Edit tab.

  4. Click Save after you complete your changes to your user profile.

Creating users in the Site Factory Management Console

To create a user:

  1. Sign in to the Site Factory Management Console for your production environment as a user with the platform admin role.


    Creating users on your non-production environment, instead of your production environment, can cause data synchronization mismatches when syncing users to your non-production environment as part of the website staging process.

  2. In the Site Factory admin menu, click the Users link.
  3. Click Create a new user.
  4. In the Username field, enter the new user’s username.
  5. In the Email address field, enter the user’s email address.
  6. In the Password field, enter a password for the user which meets the Site Factory password strength requirements, and then re-enter the same password in the Confirm password field.
  7. In the Status field, select whether the user should be blocked or active.
  8. Select the checkbox next to each of the Roles you want to assign to this user. For more information about permissions assigned to each role, see Site Factory Management Console roles.
  9. Select the Notify checkbox to send an email notification to the user about their new account. If you don’t select this checkbox, no notification is sent.
  10. (Optional) Select the checkbox for any site groups you want to add this user to. For more information, see Managing site group users.
  11. Click Create new account.

Site Factory will create your new user and, if Notify was selected, notify the user of the new account. User creation is logged in the audit log.

Managing existing users in the Site Factory Management Console

After you sign in to the Site Factory Management Console, you can view all accounts by clicking Users in the admin menu.

You can use the options on this page to complete user management tasks, including creating new accounts or editing existing accounts to add Site Factory roles that provide Site Factory administrator access. These tasks are logged in the audit log.

For more information about the different types of Site Factory administrative access, see Site Factory Management Console roles.

Managing users on Site Factory-hosted websites

Like any other Drupal website, Site Factory-hosted websites provide you with many different user management actions (including adding new users, removing user accounts, and controlling access to different parts of the website) and are controlled separately in each of your Site Factory-hosted websites. User management in the Site Factory Management Console is your responsibility.

Site owners

Each Site Factory-hosted website has a single user who is the site owner. Website ownership can be restricted to individuals with the platform admin role.

If you want to delete the user account of a website’s site owner, first transfer ownership of the website to a different user. Failing to do this will cause the website to have no site owner, and only the site owner can transfer ownership or delete a website.

Managing users for Site Factory in the Cloud Platform user interface

Each Site Factory subscription includes access to the Cloud Platform interface. You can use this to access your production and non-production Site Factory environments. For more information, see: Site Factory and Cloud Platform.

In the Cloud Platform interface, users who have accounts that allow them access can be assigned permissions and grouped into teams of user accounts with similar permission sets.

If you use the permissions feature in Cloud Platform, Acquia recommends you to enable or use only the following permissions depending on your users’ needs:

AdministrationAdd or remove a user to a team
DomainsAdd or remove SSL certificates
LogsDownload logs for non-production environments
Download logs for the production environment
SearchIncrease the search index limit on a subscription
Edit the search schema on a subscription
SSH keysAdd SSH key to git repository
Add SSH key to non-production environments
Add SSH key to the production environment
SupportCreate a support ticket
View and edit any support tickets for a subscription
Include as a collaborator on all tickets by default
WorkflowClear caches for non-production environments
Clear caches for the production environment
Configure non-production environments
Configure production environment

Either using or allowing other user accounts to use the other available permissions in Cloud Platform may interfere with your ability to manage the code in your environments’ Factory interfaces.

For more information about Cloud Platform teams and permissions, see Managing users, teams, roles, and permissions.

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