Code Studio

FAQs and troubleshooting

Common error messages

Composer memory limit error - Build Code


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Build DrupalBuild CodeFatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/ Composer/DependencyResolver/Solver.php on line 201.ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

The application uses an older version of the Acquia CMS project template, which causes a Composer memory limit error.


Confirm that your application meets the following best practices:

  • From composer.json, remove the lines that point to the old Acquia CMS project template. Acquia CMS utilizes the Acquia Drupal recommended project.
  • Commit composer.lock.
  • Use Composer 2.
  • Analyze the delta between a working composer.lock and the failing composer.lock.

Code push error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Deploy DrupalDeploy Branch to Acquia and Deploy Tag to Acquia jobsIn PushArtifactCommand.php line 100: [Acquia\Cli\Exception\AcquiaCliException] Pushing code was aborted because your local Git repository has uncommitted changes. Please either commit, reset, or stash your changes via git.ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

Directories are committed in the codebase. Git must ignore the directories so that Composer can add them during the build.


Update the .gitignore file in the root directory of your project so that Git ignores the proper directories. The recommended .gitignore file is located in this location.

If Git does not ignore the pushed or tracked files even after updating the .gitignore file, run the following commands from the root directory of your project:

  • git rm -r --cached .

  • git add .

After executing the commands, the system displays all the files that are ignored by the current .gitignore file in staged changes.

The system does not remove the files from your local machine during the commit process. The system removes the files from other developers' machines when they run git pull.


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Deploy DrupalBuild artifact from branch/tag

Permission denied (publickey).

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


Potential causes

  • The user is not a member of the Cloud Platform subscription.

  • The user's role in Cloud Platform does not have access to push code.

  • Cloud Platform has an issue.



Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility

[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


Potential cause

If you cannot push code from your Cloud IDE or local development environment to your Code Studio repository due to this error, you must update your git remote to use the HTTPS URL instead of the SSH URL.


Update your git remote to use the HTTPS URL of your repository.

To find the HTTPS URL:

  1. Navigate to your Code Studio project.
  2. Click Clone.
  3. Click the Copy icon to copy the value specified in the Clone with HTTPS field.

To update your git remote:

  1. Remove the current git remote from your Cloud IDE or local development environment.

    If your remote name is origin, run the following:

    git remote remove origin
  2. Add the new remote using the copied HTTPS URL.

    If you want your remote name to be origin, run the following:

    git remote add origin <URL>

Missing Test Drupal job error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Test DrupalTest Drupal'Create artifact from branch' job needs 'Test Drupal' job, but 'Test Drupal' is not in any previous stage.ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

The Acquia Auto DevOps template is copied incorrectly in the entire codebase.


Remove everything in the file and add any necessary customization back in the before_script and after_script parameters.

Missing Test Drupal job error - gitlab-ci.yml


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
AllN/AFound errors in your .gitlab-ci.yml: 'Create artifact from branch' job needs 'Test Drupal' job, but 'Test Drupal' is not in any previous stage.ApplicationsCustomer

Potential cause

One job requires another job to complete the stage, but the required dependent job is currently not running. This can occur from a number of situations, such as the job not being defined in the template or mismatching conditions for when jobs are scheduled to run.


The following are the ways to resolve this error:

  • Revert to default Auto DevOps job.
  • Test your .gitlab-ci.yml in CI Lint.

$rector_bin process error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Automatic UpdatesDeprecated Code UpdateCommand [$rector_bin process ${ACQUIA_CUSTOM_CODE_DIRS} --ansi] exited with code [1]ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

The existing Drupal code is deprecated.


Identify the files with deprecated Drupal code and update the code.

PHPStan error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Test DrupalPHP StanCommand ["$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/vendor/bin/phpstan] exited with code [1]ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

The existing code does not follow the proper coding standards.


Identify the files with code standards errors and update the code.

Acquia CDE creation error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Deploy DrupalCreate Acquia CDECustomer experiences issues with creating CDEs. The Create Acquia CDE job is not completing.ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

You reached your CDE entitlement limit or you do not have a CDE entitlement.


To resolve this error, do one of the following:

  • In CI/CD variables, set the ACQUIA_JOBS_CREATE_CDE variable to false.
  • Contact your Acquia account manager to get information about your subscription.

Access denied error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Deploy DrupalCreating Artifactglab auth git-credential: "erase" is an invalid operation remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2FA enabled and you must use a personal access token instead of a password. See #error-on-git-fetch-http-basic-access-denied fatal: Authentication failed for '<USERNAME>/<PROJECT-NAME>.git/'ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

Your token has expired.


Use glab auth login to configure the token again.

PHP version error - Build Code


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Build CodeBuild Code

Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.

symfony/string vx.x.x requires php >=8.2 -> your php version (8.1) does not satisfy that requirement.


Potential cause

The PHP version of the project is not set correctly.


Add the PHP_VERSION environment variable to your project through the UI, and set its value to the PHP version that your project uses. This value accepts major and minor versions only, for example, 8.2. For more information, see Modifying environment variables.


Setting the PHP_VERSION variable in the .gitlab-ci.yml file might not work as expected. Acquia recommends you to set variable values through the Code Studio UI.

The composer.json file in your project, Cloud IDE, Code Studio, and Cloud Platform must use the same PHP version.

Missing build branch error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Deploy DrupalCreate Acquia CDEThe build branch '<BRANCH_NAME>' is missing from Acquia Cloud PlatformApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

This error occurs during merge requests if one of the following is true:

  • The ACQUIA_JOBS_CREATE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT environment variable is not set to true. The branch artifact must be created so that it can be pushed to Cloud Platform.
  • The source branch exists on a fork instead of the main repository.


  • To create the branch artifact:
    1. Add the ACQUIA_JOBS_CREATE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT environment variable to your project.
    2. Set the value of ACQUIA_JOBS_CREATE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT to true.

      For more information, see Adding environment variables.

  • If the source branch does not exist in the main repository:
    1. Push the source branch to the main Code Studio project repository.
    2. Create the merge request without using a forked repository.

Error in uploading artifacts


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
VariesVariesERROR: Uploading artifacts. 413 Request Entity Too Large.PlatformCustomer

Potential cause

If you customize your pipeline to implement artifact-producing jobs, and your artifacts are larger than 100 MB, you might see this error. Common custom jobs that result in large artifacts are front-end tests, such as Nightwatch.js or BackstopJS.


Contact your Technical Account Manager or Acquia Support to increase the maximum artifact size.

Missing token error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
VariesVariesError writing data to auth/jwt/login: Error making API request. Code: 400. Errors: * missing tokenApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

This error occurs if you customize your pipeline to use the CI_JOB_JWT variable or a similar token. The CI_JOB_JWT variable is deprecated in GitLab.


If you use the CI_JOB_JWT variable, then remove it. Add the following script to the stage or the job that you customized:

id_tokens: VAULT_ID_TOKEN: aud: $VAULT_ADDR

For example, if a custom job in the Test Drupal stage is Build artifact and deploy to CI Server, you must update the .gitlab-ci.yml file as follows:

"Build artifact and deploy to CI Server": stage: "Build Drupal" id_tokens: VAULT_ID_TOKEN: aud: $VAULT_ADDR

PHPUnit error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Test DrupalTest DrupalClass "Behat\Mink\Element\TraversableElement" not foundApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

Certain packages are missing from your project.


If your application runs on the current Drupal version, add the core-dev package to your project:

composer require --dev drupal/core-dev

Error in opening a required file


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Test DrupalTest DrupalError: Failed opening required '/var/www/site-php/<APP>/<APP>'ApplicationCustomer


You must update the if statement in the Cloud Platform database settings as follows:

  1. In the settings.php file of your project, locate a statement similar to the erroneous statement. For example:

    if (file_exists('/var/www/site-php')) { require('/var/www/site-php/<APP>/<APP>'); }
  2. Update the if statement to specify the complete path to the file:

    if (file_exists('/var/www/site-php/<APP>/<APP>')) {

Insufficient permission error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
N/AN/APipeline cannot be run. You do not have sufficient permission to run a pipeline on 'main'. Please select a different branch or contact your administrator for assistance.ApplicationCustomer

Potential cause

Only owners and maintainers have access to run a pipeline on the main branch.


Contact your administrator.

Yarn not found error


Build stageJobError messageCategoryResponsibility
Test DrupalTest DrupalYarn not foundApplicationCustomer


You can use yarn by adding the following lines in the .gitlab-ci.yml file:

Test Drupal: before_script: - eval $YARN_PACKAGE - eval $YARN_PATH

How do I enable Code Studio for my Acquia subscription?

For information about enabling Code Studio for your subscription, see Enabling a Code Studio subscription.

Can the owner of a subscription enable Code Studio?

Yes, the owner of a subscription can enable Code Studio.

Can I disable Code Studio from the Cloud Platform user interface?

No, you cannot disable Code Studio from the Cloud Platform user interface. To disable your Code Studio subscription, contact Acquia Support.

What versions of Drupal does Code Studio support?

Code Studio supports the current Drupal version.

What versions of Node.js does Code Studio support?

For information about the versions of Node.js that Code Studio supports, see Changing the Node.js version.

Why am I seeing a lot of SAST jobs in my Pipeline?

It is likely that you committed contributed dependencies to your repository. Acquia does not recommend this.

git rm -r --cached vendor docroot/core docroot/libraries docroot/modules/contrib docroot/themes/contrib docroot/profiles/contrib node_modules

Add these to your .gitignore. For an example, see acquia/drupal-recommended-project.

How do I install private packages through Composer?

Composer provides multiple mechanisms for downloading private packages. Acquia recommends that you store authentication credentials in a project auth.json. For more information, see Authentication in auth.json per project.

This works in Code Studio CI/CD jobs.

I cannot sudo and add packages, move binaries, etc. Why?

This is a security restriction on application containers running in the Acquia Kubernetes service.

  • If you’re downloading a binary, such as composer.phar or acli.phar (which Acquia has already done for you), you can place it in '$HOME/bin'. The bin folder in the CI user’s home directory is already added to $PATH. It works as long as your binary has an execute permissions set.
  • To download a package through `apt` or similar, create a Support ticket.

CDE already exists. What can I do?

Error message:

CDE environment with name CDE-xxxx already exists

Resolution 1:

If a merge request cannot be declined/merged immediately for some reason, one way is to stop the CDE environment:

  1. Log in to Code Studio.
  2. Navigate to Environments.
  3. Determine the respective environment with the same feature branch name, and stop the environment.
  4. Wait for a few minutes for the current pipeline to succeed, and to delete the existing CDE with the same name.
  5. Make some minor changes to the current feature’s merge request to re-initiate the pipeline with the CDE creation job.

Resolution 2:

  1. Rename the existing CD environment that is pointing to the same source branch from Acquia Cloud.
  2. Make some minor changes to the current feature’s merge request to re-initiate the pipeline with CDE creation job.

Is there a limit to the number of projects I can have in Code Studio?

No. You can have unlimited projects in Code Studio. However, the Code Studio AutoDevOps pipeline requires your Code Studio project to be linked to an Acquia Cloud application. You can link only one Code Studio project to a given Cloud application.

Does Code Studio work with Cloud IDE?

Yes. For instructions on how to set up Code Studio with Cloud IDE, see Setting up a Code Studio project.

For more information, see the following tutorials on

Can I use an existing application with Code Studio?

Yes. Code Studio is compatible with existing applications running Acquia CMS, and the current Drupal version.

Code Studio makes assumptions about how projects are formatted and which tools are used with it. Existing projects may need to make alterations based on these assumptions to take full advantage of Code Studio.

Can I use a third-party repository with Code Studio?

Yes. You can use a third-party repository with Code Studio. For instructions on how to integrate your private repository with Code Studio, see Configuring repository mirroring in Code Studio.

Does Code Studio work with Jira?

You can integrate Code Studio with Jira Issues and Jira Development Panel. For more information about setting up the integration, see Integrating Code Studio with Jira.

Can you integrate a Veracode Static analysis with the Code Studio AutoDevOps pipeline?

Yes. You can integrate a Veracode Static analysis by customizing the standard template for the Code Studio AutoDevOps pipeline.

To customize the AutoDevOps pipeline in Code Studio, see Adding a before_script or after_script to a Code Studio job.

For more information about implementing Veracode Static analysis as part of the pipeline, see GitLab Pipeline Scan Examples.

How many users can I add to Code Studio?

With Code Studio entitlements, seats are equivalent to users. The number of seats within your Code Studio subscription is equal to the number of users you can add to your Code Studio instance.

For more questions about Code Studio entitlements, contact your Acquia account team.

Can I use Code Studio with non-Drupal applications?

Yes. You can use Code Studio with non-Drupal applications. However, the AutoDevOps pipeline is optimized for Drupal.

When using non-Drupal applications, the Test Drupal stage jobs do not work.

Can I use Code Studio with a Node.js application?

Yes. You can use Code Studio with Node.js applications. However, the AutoDevOps pipeline is optimized for Drupal.

When using non-Drupal applications, the Test Drupal stage jobs do not work.

Can I customize Code Studio builds?

Yes. You can customize Code Studio builds. For instructions, see Customizing a default Code Studio pipeline.

Why am I seeing rector errors during scheduled jobs?

Error message:

Undefined constant Rector\Core\Configuration\Option::IMPORT_DOC_BLOCKS

This error is usually a result of an older version of rector being added in your project. Code Studio attempts to add the latest version of rector during the Pipeline. However, it uses your version if that is included in your project’s composer.lock.

Resolution 1:

  1. Run composer remove palantirnet/drupal-rector.
  2. Delete the rector.php file from the root of your project, allowing Code Studio to handle the rector going forward.

Resolution 2:

  1. Run composer update palantirnet/drupal-rector -W to upgrade your rector package to the latest rector version.
  2. Remove the rector.php file from the root of your project.
  3. Run cp vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/rector.php to recopy the rector.php file.

Error message:

Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator::__construct(): Argument #1 ($container) must be of type Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder, RectorPrefix202208\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder given, called in /home/codestudio/.config/composer/vendor/rector/rector/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Loader/PhpFileLoader.php on line 67

This error indicates that your project’s rector.php file needs to be recreated. Newer versions of rector altered the configuration syntax, resulting in your rector.php file no longer being valid.


  1. Remove the rector.php file at the root of your project.
  2. Run cp vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/rector.php to recopy the rector.php file to your project.

What is a build minute in Code Studio?

A build minute is one minute of execution time of a single Code Studio job. Build minutes are the sum of the durations of every job that you execute using Code Studio, including the jobs that run concurrently. For example, if you ran five jobs with each job using ten build minutes, then you used fifty build minutes.

Is there a limit to the build minutes for Code Studio?

Yes. Build time is limited to 10k minutes per Code Studio group.

Can I use my own container image in a Code Studio job?

No. With the AutoDevOps pipeline, Acquia maintains the container images used in Code Studio jobs. You can customize jobs, but the base images are selected by Acquia as secure, vetted options that remove overhead for our users.

Can I disable AutoDevOps?

Yes, you can disable AutoDevOps.


Disabling AutoDevOps removes the Acquia-optimized steps needed to build, test, and deploy Drupal applications to Acquia Cloud.

To disable AutoDevOps:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > CI/CD.
  2. Expand the Auto DevOps section.
  3. Clear the Default to Auto DevOps pipeline checkbox.

Does Code Studio work with Acquia Site Factory?

Yes. The continuous integration (CI) feature of Code Studio is compatible with Acquia Site Factory. However, the continuous delivery (CD) feature of Code Studio is not compatible with Acquia Site Factory.

For more information, see the Code Studio product support scope.

Can I use my own GitLab license with Code Studio?

No. External licenses for Gitlab cannot be used with Acquia Code Studio.

Why am I seeing a warning during the Validate Code job?

It is likely that you committed files or directories that Acquia recommends to gitignore.

Ensure that you do not commit any of the following:

  • vendor
  • node_modules
  • docroot/composer.json
  • docroot/libraries
  • docroot/core
  • docroot/modules/contrib
  • docroot/themes/contrib
  • docroot/profiles/contrib

Package managers, such as Composer and npm, add these files and directories when the system creates a deploy artifact. For more information, see Sample .gitignore file.

If you did not commit the specified files or directories, and have a large codebase, see Known issues in Code Studio.

How do I enable or execute PHPUnit tests in the Test Drupal stage?

Ensure that the ACQUIA_TASKS_PHPUNIT and ACQUIA_TASKS_SETUP_DRUPAL environment variables are set to true.

Do Code Studio runners use specific IP addresses that I can allowlist?

Yes. To obtain a list of IP addresses, contact Acquia Support.

Can Code Studio integrate with SonarCube?

Yes, Code Studio can integrate with SonarCube. For more information, see Gitlab integration.

How do I enable code coverage in PHPUnit?

Code Studio does not support PHPUnit code coverage.

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