Git configuration


Acquia will end support for BLT on December 31, 2024. For more information on how to replace your BLT implementation with updated functionality, see You don’t need BLT on Acquia Cloud.

BLT provides Git hooks that must be symlinked into your local repository’s .git directory, using the blt:init:git-hooks task during the onboarding process.

These hooks should be used on all projects, as they will save developers time. In particular, the pre-commit hook will prevent a Git commit if validation fails on the code being committed (which will also occur during blt:validate calls during continuous integration).

Provided Hooks

BLT provides the following default hooks for your use:

  • commit-msg: Validates the syntax of a Git commit message before it is committed locally.

  • pre-commit: Runs Drupal Code Sniffer on committed code before it is committed locally.

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