Campaign Studio


Companies help marketers to group contacts based on the company or companies the contacts are assigned to.

Adding companies to Campaign Studio

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Companies.

  3. On the Companies page, click +New.

  4. On the New Company page, enter the details in the fields.

  5. Click Save & Close.

    You can organize custom fields into Core and Professional.


As you add contacts to Campaign Studio through plugins, their associated company information, such as accounts and organizations, can also be pulled in. For information about configuring your plugins, see Plugins.


With the flexible, API-first architecture of Campaign Studio, you can add new companies through API from virtually any source, as long as the source also has an open REST API.

To use the API:

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.

  2. Click the Settings icon on the top right corner.

  3. Click Configuration > API Settings.

  4. Set API enabled to Yes.

  5. Click the Settings icon and select API Credentials.

  6. On the API Credentials page, add your application.

    For more information, see the API documentation.


For API-created contacts with an empty DNC reason code, the system returns an error indicating the need of a DNC reason code. The DNC reason code for such contacts is no longer defaulted to 0 (Contactable).

CSV import

Campaign Studio accepts CSV files up to 1 GB encoded in the UTF-8 format. When importing a CSV, you can import up to five files in parallel.


If a user attempts to import more than five files at a time, the additional files enter a ‘delayed’ state. To resolve this, unpublish the files in delayed status import(s) and republish them after the import of one of the files is complete. It ensures that more than five files are not running at a time.

Before importing your CSV file, complete the following steps:

  1. If the list contains custom fields, create those custom fields in Campaign Studio.

  2. Set up users with permissions to assign company ownership.

  3. Clean your data, ensuring:

    • No accents or special characters.

    • Capitalize names.

    • Check formatting in fields such as email addresses, phone numbers, and data values.

To import your CSV file:

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Companies.

  3. On the Companies page, click Import next to +New.

  4. Choose your UTF-8 encoded CSV file.

  5. Adjust the value in Delimiter, Enclosure, and Escape, if necessary.

    By default, Campaign Studio uses a comma, quotation mark, and forward slash.

  6. (Optional) Select an owner.

  7. Map the fields in your CSV file to the fields where you want to save your data in Campaign Studio.


    If the column header in the CSV matches the Alias of any of your Campaign Studio fields, the system maps those columns and fields.

  8. Click Import.

At any time, you can review the import history to check what files you uploaded, how long it took, the number of companies inserted, updated, or ignored.

You can also review the history to check when the import took place.

Companies Unique Identifier

Companies can have multiple unique identifiers. During a CSV import, Campaign Studio merges companies based on any or all configured unique identifiers to prevent duplicate entries.


Use the merge feature to merge duplicate companies that are manually created through the Companies page, Plugins, or APIs.

Unlike CSV import, these methods introduce duplicate entries because Campaign Studio does not automatically merge the companies with the same unique identifiers.

To get Companies Unique Identifier enabled, contact your Customer Success Managers or Acquia Support.

Creating Company Unique Identifiers

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.

  2. Click the Settings icon on the top right corner.

  3. Click Custom Fields.

  4. Click +New.

  5. On the New Custom Field page, enter appropriate values in the fields.

  6. In the Object field, select Company.

  7. Configure the fields on the right.

  8. Set the Is Unique Identifier field to Yes. Campaign Studio now uses this custom field as a unique identifier for companies, and merges companies with the same unique identifier when imported through CSV.

Company details

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Companies.

  3. On the Companies page, click the company for which you want to view the details.

    Campaign Studio displays the Company details page with details related to engagements, company score, and contacts assigned to the company.


If you have identified duplicate companies, you can merge them together by searching for the company you want to merge with. This keeps the values of the record you are merging into. Campaign Studio keeps a field populated in the merge if it is empty on one record but populated on the other.

View contacts

To view contacts associated with a company, click View Contacts towards the right side of the company’s row.

Companies list

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