Campaign Studio

2023 Release notes - Campaign Studio

This webpage describes the updates Acquia made to Campaign Studio in 2023. For the latest updates, see Release notes.

Campaign Studio - December 14, 2023

  • Feature MAUT-10928 - The email and landing page builders include Paragraph and List blocks.

  • Feature MAUT-10741 - Administrator users can create audit log reports.

  • Change MAUT-8781 - Campaign Studio is updated to increase the speed of the email send process.

  • Change MAUT-10984 - The support for PUT operations on the Custom Objects API is removed.

  • Fix MAUT-10760 - The Custom Objects API was non-functional.

  • Fix MAUT-10935 - Users were redirected to a non-existent URL when they clicked the links in the global tokens used in emails.

  • Fix MAUT-10153 - On the Categories list page, the Type column was empty when the category type was SMS.

  • Fix MAUT-10763 - Campaign Studio did not render the correct saved value for the campaign event that utilizes more than one lookup field for data.

Campaign Studio - November 16, 2023

  • Feature You can hide default themes on the Themes page. The system does not display hidden themes in the email and landing page templates lists.

  • Change Campaign Studio does not support Social Monitoring.

  • Change Campaign Studio does not support the following plugins: BrixCRM, Clearbit, Connectwise, ConstantContact, Foursquare, FullContact, Icontact, InsideView, Instagram, LinkedIn v1, LinkedIn v2, Mailchimp, OpenStack, Outlook, Pipedrive, Saelos, Slooce, SugarCRM, Twitter, Vtiger, and Zoho.

  • Fix Users could not import contacts or companies with a delayed status.

Campaign Studio - October 25, 2023

  • Change Segment rebuilds are compatible with the Redis cluster.

  • Change A retry limit is added to failed import jobs so that they restart automatically.

  • Fix Unnecessary queries for global tokens were causing performance issues.

  • Fix Database connections were unstable.

  • Fix Contacts were getting added incorrectly when the same field was used for multiple segment filters for a custom item.

Campaign Studio - September 13, 2023

  • Feature Campaign Studio provides the Segment Membership - Static filter that shows the segments the contact is a member of by using the dependent segment members at the state when they were last built.

Campaign Studio - September 6, 2023

  • Change SAML can be configured using the custom domain URL or the sub domain URL.

  • Fix Company names were not displayed in the Company field on the Edit contact page.

Campaign Studio - August 30, 2023

  • Feature Campaign Studio supports sending Twillio messages using MessagingServiceSID.

  • Feature Campaign Studio records audit log entries to track scheduling and canceling history of segment emails.

  • Change The tracking script in Campaign Studio is updated to support tracking of landing pages with Google Analytics 4.

  • Fix The State field in forms displayed the values inappropriately.

  • Fix The Change campaigns action did not work.

  • Fix The Companies details page showed contacts that were not associated with the company.

  • Fix The email with the A/B test winner criteria was not sent to the remaining contacts in the segment.

  • Fix Large segment rebuild failed.

  • Fix Events were assigned to wrong contacts.

  • Fix Changes to the export report schedule did not change the old schedule job.

  • Fix Changes to the primary company did not change the Company field value on the contact record.

Campaign Studio - July 10, 2023

  • Feature To improve performance, Campaign Studio deletes segment related data after a segment is deleted.

  • Change Categories that are assigned to a resource type cannot be deleted.

  • Fix On the Contact details page, the contact’s points were not displayed correctly.

  • Fix Campaign actions that followed a decision’s negative path were not triggered correctly.

  • Fix Campaign Builder displayed an error when editing some campaigns.

  • Fix The Save as Draft option did not work for edited emails.

  • Fix Queries were not getting built using prepared statements.

Campaign Studio - June 8, 2023

  • Fix A large number of jobs were injected for the same campaign during execution.

  • Fix Kafka API consumers failed when the API job was deleted while the jobs were processing.

  • Fix URLs containing a # fragment did not work properly.

  • Fix Segment Membership filters did not work when two filters were used together with the OR operator.

  • Fix When a custom field was edited, the dropdown values for forms did not get updated.

  • Fix Dynamic content with a Regex filter failed when a numeric value was added to the text field.

  • Fix Segment Membership filters did not work when they used an exclude operator with multiple values.

  • Fix The From Address was used as the Reply to when the token added to the Advanced tab was empty.

  • Fix The system displayed an error when a user already registered for a Zoom webinar tried to register again.

  • Fix Salesforce plugin credentials were not getting updated.

Campaign Studio - April 17, 2023

This release merges the 4.2.0 to 4.4.4 versions of the open source project (Mautic Community) to Campaign Studio. For detailed release notes, see Release notes - Campaign Studio Symfony upgrade 4.x.

Campaign Studio - April 13, 2023

  • Fix In emails, the token replacement mechanism for trackable URLs was inappropriate.

Campaign Studio - March 30, 2023

  • Feature Campaign Studio supports sending MMS messages with Twilio.

  • Feature Campaign Studio supports Sign & Encrypt emails with S/MIME.

  • Fix Campaign statistics for actions connected with Jump to and Scheduled Event were incorrect.

Campaign Studio - February 24, 2023

  • Feature Campaign Studio now supports OpenID Connect for user authentication.

  • Feature The Preferences page shows all categories subscribed and unsubscribed by the user so that the user can choose accordingly.

  • Feature Campaign Studio provides improved performance when realtime segments sync to Salesforce.

  • Fix The notice for the mail server port incorrectly mentioned that emails cannot be sent using port numbers 465 and 587.

  • Fix An error occurred when sending emails with internal name length greater than 64 bytes.

  • Fix When users deleted a campaign, Campaign Studio incorrectly deleted jobs for a different campaign’s event.

  • Fix The Deduplication command used the label field instead of the alias field internally.

  • Fix Campaign events with the start/end date ignored the delay when the delay was in minutes/hours.

  • Fix The Push only records for Contact that meet the following condition Salesforce sync condition was ignored when the companies were merged.

  • Fix UTM tags were not recorded for forms that were embedded on a different domain.

  • Fix Incorrect Zoom link was generated when the Zoom Webinar campaign action triggered for contacts.

  • Fix Global token was not converted in plain text version of email.

Campaign Studio - January 12, 2023

  • Feature Campaign Studio validates HTML content and BeeFree metadata during Resource Copy.

  • Feature Campaign Studio rebuilds the segments that are dependent on other segments only once per day with certain exceptions.

  • Feature Campaign Studio removes files for the exported reports and contacts from the server after 7 days. Therefore, links to those files will become invalid after 7 days.

  • Feature On deleting specific results for form submission, Campaign Studio also deletes the data from the form results.

  • Fix Campaign Studio did not send the exported unscheduled reports to customers immediately.

  • Fix Campaign Studio did not allow exporting a single contact from the contact details page.

  • Fix Preference Center page previews were displaying default labels instead of user-defined labels.

  • Fix Scope issues were restricting data synchronization between Campaign Studio and the Drift plugin.

  • Fix Newline characters were encoded when records were transferred to Salesforce.

  • Fix Campaign Studio loaded all DNC records even when users searched for a non-existent contact.

  • Fix Republishing a campaign did not execute or reschedule the events that were stuck because of the campaign being unpublished or when the event execution date occurred outside of the Publish at and Unpublish at date range.

  • Fix Contacts were not re-added to campaigns when Allow contacts to restart the campaign was set to Yes.

  • Fix Segments with the Read a specific Email filter had performance issues.

  • Fix Segments with a filter on a company field were rebuilt when a user created a company without associating any contact.

  • Fix SF2 sync did not work when a lookup field was created in SF2 and mapped to the corresponding custom field in Campaign Studio.

  • Fix When the Username field was kept empty during SSO configuration, the fall back used for the empty username was the last name of the user instead of the email address.

  • Fix The table view and graph view were not standardized for email reporting for Sent, Read and Clicked counts.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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