Campaign Studio

Global tokens

Global tokens are snippets of text or HTML content that can be added to emails, landing pages, text messages, and dynamic web content in Campaign Studio. By using global tokens, you can create and use content that is consistent in multiple places. If the content where you have used a global token needs to change, you can update the content in the global token to apply the changes to all content where the global token is used.


To get access to the global tokens feature, create a Support ticket.

Creating global tokens

To create a global token:

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.
  2. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon.
  3. Click the Global Tokens tab.
  4. On the Global Tokens page, click +New.

    The system displays the New Global Token page.

  5. Enter the appropriate value in each of the following fields:
    • Name - Enter a name that allows other users to easily identify what the global token is used for. For example, Copyright Year where every year on January 1, you can update the content of the global token to reflect the new year.
    • Alias - Specify the machine name for the global token. This value is used in the global token that you add to emails, landing pages, text messages, and dynamic web content. You also use this value when updating the global token content through APIs. If you leave this field blank, Campaign Studio automatically generates a value based on Name.
    • Type - Select HTML or Text to change the content editor type in the Content field.
      • HTML - Create content that will be converted to HTML with the global token, including links, images, and videos.
      • Text - Create content using the WYSIWYG editor or paste the HTML code either in the code view in the WYSIWYG editor or in the Content field.
    • Content - Create the content that you want the global token to display.


      All styling and alignment, including mobile-responsiveness and MS Outlook compatibility, must be done in the Content field. Global token content overrides the alignment or styling applied to the email or landing page block where the global token is used.

    • Published - Set the toggle bar to Yes to display the content of the global token when it is used in emails, landing pages, text messages, and dynamic web content.


      • Unpublished global tokens appear as blank space if they are used in a published email, landing page, text message, or dynamic web content.
  6. Click Save & Close.

Using global tokens

After creating a global token, you can use them in emails, landing pages, text messages, and dynamic web content.

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.
  2. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon.
  3. Click the Global Tokens tab.
  4. Locate the global token that you want to use.
  5. Copy the value in the Token column.

    The global token follows the format of {global-token=alias}, using the alias that you specify when creating the global token.

    A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is used for the ID number of a global token so that unique resources can be tracked across multiple instances.

  6. You can add this value to the following:
    • The subject line of an email
    • Preheader text of an email
    • Body of an email
    • Title of a landing page

    • Body of a landing page 
    • Body of a text message 
    • Body of dynamic web content

To match the font of the email or landing page where the global token is used, do not paste the global token’s value using Command + v or Control + v. Instead, use Command + Shift + v or Control + Shift + v, or  right-click and select Paste and Match Style.

The email and landing page builders do not display the global token’s content. However, the content can be viewed in the email and landing page previews.


Global tokens are case sensitive.

Do not use a global token within another global token. Doing so results in unexpected behaviors, including causing the tracking link to be associated with a different customer.

HTML type global tokens are not supported in:

  • Email subject line
  • Email preheaders
  • Body of text messages
  • Landing page title

Deleting global tokens

You can delete a single global token or multiple global tokens.

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.
  2. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon.
  3. Click the Global Tokens tab.

    The system displays the Global Tokens list page. 

  4. To delete a single global token:
    1. Click the dropdown arrow for the global token that you want to delete.
    2. Click Delete.
  5. To delete multiple global tokens using batch action:
    1. Select the checkbox for each of the global tokens that you want to delete.
    2. Click the dropdown arrow in the header row of the list.
    3. Click Delete Selected.

Deleting a global token deletes the global token key and its content. If a deleted global token exists in any content, the global token's content is hidden from the contacts. However, Campaign Studio displays the global token when you attempt to edit the content where it is present.

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