Acquia CDP

Customer attributes in CDP campaigns

Customer attributes are filters directly associated with your customer’s name, address, age, birth month, and gender. Customer Data Platform (CDP) receives and integrates data from source systems, and then cleanses and populates it as customer attributes to enhance audience refinement.

The following table lists the customer attributes:



Address Type - Residential or Business

Specifies whether the address is a business address or a residential address. Parcel delivery to residential addresses is more expensive than to business addresses. You can use the return value of this function to filter out the address, or determine the best carrier for the delivery. This is applicable to the United States only. The following are the values:

  • R: Residential address

  • B: Business address

  • U: No address or address unknown by the USPS

Address Certified

Specifies whether the address is certified by the CDP Data Quality Engine. It provides transparency by showing how CDP uses the USPS Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) to certify addresses. This certification reinforces the accuracy of any addresses processed by the filter. The field adds more reliability of physical addresses as compared to the default addresses. The following are the values:

  • True: The address is CASS certified.

  • False: The address is not CASS certified and is likely invalid.

  • Unknown: There is either no address or the address is not in the US or Canada. CDP only supports these countries.

DPV Confirmed

Specifies whether the address is Delivery Point Validation-confirmed. CDP gets the DPV confirmation for US addresses from USPS. The following are the values:

  • Y: The address is DPV-confirmed.

  • N: The address is not DPV-confirmed.


Specifies the age of the customers. CDP receives this data from the standard customer feed.

Behavior-based cluster

Specifies the behavior-based cluster signifies the cluster to which the customers belong. This is a part of the machine learning models based on past behavior. The default value is Unknown. The following are the values:

  • Discount shoppers

  • Core buyers

  • High-value customers

Birth month

Specifies the birth month of the customer. CDP receives this data from the standard customer feed in numeric values. The following are the values:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • 10

  • 11

  • 12

  • Unidentified: Invalid data

  • Unknown: Missing data

Birth year

Specifies the birth year of the customer. CDP receives this data from the standard customer feed. For example, 1988, 2005, and 1975.


Specifies the city where the customer lives. CDP receives this data from the standard customer feed. The default value is Unknown. For example, Huntsville, Omaha, and St Simons Is.

Closest store

Specifies the closest store to your customer. The default value is Unknown. For example, Inkanta Hacienda Santa Barbara, Hakata Hankyu, Maison Mode Chengdu, and DFS.


Specifies the country where the customers live. CDP receives this data from the standard customer feed. The default value is Unknown. For example, the USA, Canada, France, and others.

Distance to closest store

Specifies the distance, in miles, between the customer and the store closest to where they live. This filter is only available for US, Canada and UK addresses. For example, 23.5, 40.3, and 5.

Distance to closest store - Group

This is the same as Distance to closest store, grouped into ranges for ease of use. The default value is Unknown. This filter is only available for US, Canada and UK addresses. For example, 20-30, 30-40, and 50+.

Distance to a store

Specifies the distance to a store for a customer living within [N] miles of store [ABC]. For example, select all customers with distance to store [San Francisco store] is less than [20] miles. You can use this information to send them an email about an event going on in a specific store. The following are the limitations:

  • CDP supports a distance of up to 40 miles. Most retailers do not consider distances more than 40 miles because customers avoid traveling long distances.

  • CDP computes the distance to the 20 closest stores for each customer, so if there are more than 20 stores within a 40 miles radius around a given customer, CDP only computes the distance to the closest 20 stores.

  • This filter is only available for US, Canada and UK addresses.

    For example, a Minneapolis store and 15.

Email domain

Specifies the domain of the customer’s email address. The default value is Unknown. For example:




Email status

Specifies the validity of the email address of your customer. The following are the values:

  • V: Verified email address. The email syntax is valid, the domain is good or known, and this email address is not a known spam trap.

  • U: Unverified email address. The email syntax is valid but the domain is bad or unknown.

  • X: Invalid email address. The syntax is invalid.


Specifies the gender of the customer. CDP receives this data from the standard customer feed or Data Hygiene. The default value is Unknown. The following are the values:

  • Female

  • Male

  • Unknown

Customer Status

Specifies whether a customer is a buyer or non-buyer. Customers who have ever made a purchase are considered buyers. The following are the values:

  • Buyers

  • NonBuyer


Specifies the state in which the customer lives. The default value is Unknown. For example, MI, AL, and GA.

Zip Code

Specifies the zip code in which the customer lives. The default value is Unknown. For example, 17921, 03773, and 75001.

NCOA - Last Check Date

Specifies the date on which the record was last processed through National Change of Address (NCOA).

NCOA - Move Type

Specifies the type of move that is registered with the USPS NCOA database. The following are the values:

  • F: Family Match

  • Unidentified: Invalid data

  • Unknown: Missing data

NCOA - Move Date

Specifies the date at which the move is registered with the USPS NCOA database. The format is YYYYMM. For example, 201401 is a move that was registered in January 2014. The actual move can happen earlier or later; the NCOA database cannot provide that information.

NCOA - Match flag

Specifies the NCOA processing returns this match flag. The following are the values:

  • M: Moved

  • G: PO Box closed

  • K: Moved and forwarding address is unavailable

  • F: Moved to a foreign country

  • Unknown: Missing information

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