Acquia CDP

AWS S3 storage

To use an S3 location, you must select the S3 Output Connector option on the Select Channel screen:

Creating a new S3 connector

To add a new S3 connector, send a request to Support or your customer value manager (CVM), and provide the following information:

  • Connector name such as “S3 export”

  • AWS Bucket Name

  • AWS Access Key

  • AWS Secret Key

  • AWS Region where your S3 bucket is located

    For example, “us-west-2”.

Updating the parameters to an existing connector

You can change the following parameters by sending a request to Support. The changes apply to all files that are exported to that connector going forward.





Date format


Date format that is appended to the end of the file name.

Date format

Default: epoch timestamp


Datetime format that is used when the output columns are dates. For example, first transaction date.

Time zones

Default: UTC

Timezone that is used for output columns are dates. For example, first transaction date.


PGP public key

Default: none

Public encryption key if the output file should be encrypted.

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