Acquia CDP

Custom Attributes

The Custom Attributes feature improves data model flexibility and adaptability, simplifying the creation and display of new custom attributes within the application. Customers can integrate new mapping fields using APIs or pre-mapped SFTP connectors, enhancing dynamic data management.


  • Data model extension: Access up to 210 custom fields that are compatible with data types such as strings, decimals, integers, and dates. These fields integrate with default base and aggregated summary entities and are preset as blank for immediate use.
  • Self-service UI: Modify the display name and description of custom attributes in the Customer, Transition, TransactionItem, Events, Product, and ProductCategory tables.
  • Surface across module: View custom attributes in the Campaign+ and Metrics modules. CDP surfaces the custom attributes across these modules for uniform data representation and across-the-platform usage.
  • Integration (API): Map new source systems or enhance existing ones with custom attributes for quick adaptation to changing data requirements. Perform mapping exercises with a restricted list of entities and custom fields that are essential for both API and SFTP integrations.
  • Auto-population: Load any existing text into the Display Name and Description fields.


Data engineers and IT professionals can:

  • Add new fields to the CDP data model to upgrade source systems. This initiative adds fresh data to strategies and enhances reporting and campaign targeting.
  • Strive for flexibility in choosing the best integration method for business goals, using either API or SFTP to match operational requirements.
  • Evaluate new sources and metrics to achieve business goals. They design and deploy custom integration pipelines by selecting API or SFTP as required. This method guarantees consistent data flow to the CDP and provides deeper analytical insights.

Specifications for surfacing custom attributes

Customer(60 attributes)
  • c_customerstringattribute01 until c_customerstringattribute30
  • c_customerintergerattribute01 until c_customerintergerattribute10
  • c_customerdecimalattribute01 until c_customerdecimalattribute10
  • c_customerdateattribute01 until c_customerdateattribute10
Transaction(30 attributes)
  • c_transactionstringattribute01 until c_transactionstringattribute15
  • c_transactionintergerattribute01 until c_transactionintergerattribute05
  • c_transactiondecimalattribute01 until c_transactiondecimalattribute05
  • c_transactiondateattribute01 until c_transactiondateattribute05
TransactionItem(30 attributes)
  • c_transactionitemstringattribute01 until c_transactionitemstringattribute15
  • c_transactionitemintergerattribute01 until c_transactionitemintergerattribute05
  • c_transactionitemdecimalattribute01 until c_transactionitemdecimalattribute05
  • c_transactionitemdateattribute01 until c_transactionitemdateattribute05
Event(30 attributes)
  • c_eventstringattribute01 until c_eventstringattribute15
  • c_eventintergerattribute01 until c_eventintergerattribute05
  • c_eventdecimalattribute01 until c_eventdecimalattribute05
  • c_eventdateattribute01 until c_eventdateattribute05
Product(30 attributes)
  • c_productstringattribute01 until c_productstringattribute15
  • c_productintergerattribute01 until c_productintergerattribute05
  • c_productdecimalattribute01 until c_productdecimalattribute05
  • c_productdateattribute01 until c_producttdateattribute05
ProductCategory(30 attributes)
  • c_productcategorystringattribute01 until c_productcategorystringattribute15
  • c_productcategoryintergerattribute01 until c_productcategoryintergerattribute05
  • c_productcategorydecimalattribute01 until c_productcategorydecimalattribute05
  • c_productcategorydateattribute01 until c_productcategorydateattribute05

Application availability

The following entities support data types such as string, date, integer, and decimal to ensure versatile data capture and presentation:

EntityAvailability ActionsMetrics
Customer Summary
Decimal/IntegerCAMPAIGN, CONTENTMeasure
Transaction Summary
Decimal/IntegerCAMPAIGN, CONTENTMeasure
Transaction Item(base)N/AN/A
Product Summary
Decimal/IntegerCAMPAIGN, CONTENTNot considered
Product Category
DateCAMPAIGN, CONTENTNot considered
Decimal/IntegerCAMPAIGN, CONTENTNot considered
DateCAMPAIGN, CONTENTNot considered
Decimal/IntegerCAMPAIGN, CONTENTNot considered

1 CAMPAIGN - A targeted marketing initiative that uses personalized communication to engage customers.

2 CONTENT - An export attribute that populates on downstream channels.

3 LOOKUP - A dynamic function that displays field values.

Important considerations

  • Hardcode name: The system assigns a non-editable hardcoded name to each custom attribute. When you use Interactive Queries or Snowflake data share, the column containing your new custom attributes adheres to the standard hardcoded naming convention.

  • Feature availability: This feature is supported only in Production (PROD) and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environments. Clients who do not have a UAT environment must conduct testing in their production environment (PROD). For detailed information about integration methods, see Custom Attributes API integration or Custom Attributes SFTP integration.
  • Self-service UI limitation:
    • You can select multiple attributes of various types and edit or update them all in the data models.

    • You cannot add new fields to the data models.

    • You can only include alphanumeric characters, spaces, and hyphens when you enter the display name or description. 
      The following is a breakdown of the default category, which includes 41 symbols:

      • Numbers: 0-9. Passed.

      • Punctuations: ., ,, ;, :, ?, !, ' ,", -, _, /, |, {}, () ,[], <>. Passed. \. Failed.

      • Arithmetic and mathematical symbols: +, -, *, /, =, %. Passed.

      • Miscellaneous symbols: @, #, $, ^, &, *, ~, |. Passed.

    • You must ensure that the first letter of each word in the Display Name is capitalized.

      • For example, Favorite Drinks. Passed.

      • For example, Favorite drinks. Failed.

  • Metrics limitation:

    • Custom attributes aggregate measure features in the next release for the following entities:

      • Customer Summary: data type - decimal or integer Aggregate=AVG

    • Transaction Summary: data type - decimal or integer for transaction item Aggregate=SUM

    • Product Summary: data type - string, date, decimal, or integer (not supported)

    • Product category: all data types (not supported)

  • 360 Profiles: Not supported.

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