Acquia CDP

2022 Release notes - Customer Data Platform

This webpage describes the updates Acquia made to CDP in 2022. For the latest updates, see Release notes.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - December 14, 2022

Webtag tracker SDKChangeWebtag tracker SDK is updated to version 3.0.0.
AnalyticsFixMetrics help URL in the CDP application was returning 404 error.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - November 18, 2022

CampaignsFixCampaigns with double quotes were failing to execute.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - November 03, 2022

GDPRChangeData erasure process fails when an out-of-memory error occurs in the GDPR process.
GDPRFixData erasure workflow failed at Campaign History step because campaign history was disabled.
360 ProfilesFixTransaction Line Date on the Transactions tab in 360 Profiles was incorrect.
360 ProfilesFixCDP was not populating the customer’s profile data.
AnalyticsFixTemplate Report columns were in a wrong or random order when exported.
Product tableFixProduct table records with null ids were doubling per day.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - October 06, 2022

AngularJSChangeAngular JS is updated to version 1.8.3.
Moment.jsChangeMoment.js is updated to version 2.29.4.
jQueryChangejQuery is updated to version 3.6.0.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - September 28, 2022

Google Ads APIChangeGoogle Ads API for Google customer match and Google offline conversions is updated to v11.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - September 15, 2022

ActionsChangeCDP provides individual warehouse for Campaigns, Template Reports, and Data Exports applications.
SecurityChangeCDP allows you to add numbers in the main and sub-domains of email address.
ConnectorsChangeTo create an S3 connector, ensure that you provide a valid folder name. You must avoid folder name as null or starting with /.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - August 30, 2022

360 ProfilesChangeCDP displays the Master Customer Number field in 360 Profiles.
360 ProfilesChangeCDP provides pagination to navigate through records in 360 Profiles.
Config UIChangeThe default tenant property is set to read-only.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - August 18, 2022

Campaigns+FeatureCDP provides the Filter+ feature that enables you to boost the audience X times, based on the selected criteria.
AnalyticsChangeCDP enables you to convert and migrate the template reports that did not run for more than once in the last six months.
ConnectorsChangeFacebook APIs are updated to v13 to ensure successful integration with Facebook.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - May 23, 2022

AnalyticsChangeThe Market Basket Analysis feature in CDP is enhanced to allow you to analyze top trending baskets based on product categories, brands, and other product metadata.
ConnectorsFixFor output connectors associated with CDP-managed instances, an update in the value of Input PGP Public Key resulted in the failure of the campaigns that used the key.
GDPRFixFor specific customers, the bulk purge operation failed with the Out Of Memory exception.
360 ProfilesFixUsers with appropriate permissions were unable to delete customer identities in 360 Profiles.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - April 19, 2022

Google Ads offline connectorChangeThe Google Ads offline conversion connector is enhanced to use the Google Ads API instead of the AdWords API.
Bronto connectorFixA few campaigns that ran with the Bronto connector failed.
GDPRFixFor a specific customer, a scheduled data erasure job was stuck.
GDPRFixFor a specific customer, the bulk purge operation failed.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - March 28, 2022

ConnectorsChangeThe self-service credential management feature in CDP is enhanced to allow you to deprovision or delete instances. In addition, you can retry deprovisioning if your earlier attempt failed.
Machine LearningChangeThe Shap Values feature is updated to have enhanced user experience.
UDMFixIn certain cases, DW workflow failed.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - March 01, 2022

ConnectorsFeatureCDP is integretaed with Mautic Contact Profile Connector, ExactTarget Email Connector, and Google Customer Match Connector.
ConnectorsChangeFacebook connectors are updated to v12 to ensure that campaigns do not fail.
Data ExportFixUsers were unable to copy data export through the CDP user interface.

Customer Data Platform Release Notes - February 10, 2022

ActionsChangeSmall tenants without intraday campaigns can run their campaigns in Snowflake.
Campaign Studio Output ConnectorFixCDP is enhanced to handle API errors from Campaign Studio efficiently.
Config AppFixSmart compaction did not allow users to override the maximum Spark cores.
Config AppFixTables without the Batch or RowCreated column were compacted.
Execution CalendarChangeThe Schedule view displays the output connector names in the Destination column.
Legacy Campaigns and Campaigns +ChangeCDP is updated to have enhanced error messaging for audience count errors. The revamped feature is more user friendly and users can perform the initial analysis without contacting Acquia Support.
Legacy Campaigns and Campaigns +FixCampaign execution failed when SQL-reserved keywords were used. With this fix, you can use SQL-reserved keywords in campaigns.
Legacy Campaigns and Campaigns +FixSegment date ranges appeared with the Unix timestamp. With this fix, date ranges are displayed in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Legacy Campaigns and Campaigns +FixThe edited_by field in campaigns was updated incorrectly. With this fix, the edited_by field in campaigns is not updated incorrectly.
Legacy CampaignsFixWhen the sum of the variants in the AB section in campaigns does not equal 100, the CDP user interface gets stuck. With this fix, the CDP user interface does not get stuck.

In addition, there are several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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