
Managing users and groups

The information on this documentation page applies only to users that have Admin role-type permissions.

Because different users of Acquia DAM Classic require different levels of access to your stored assets, you can control access through the use of roles, which can be assigned to individual users, or to a groups of users with similar needs.

Role types

Acquia DAM Classic uses role types to control access, making different features and asset items available to users who require access to them. There are four types of roles with varying access and permissions:

  • End users

    • Brand Portal - Can view and download assets in Brand Connect

    • Regular User - Can view and download assets in both Acquia DAM Classic and Brand Connect

  • Power users

    • Contributor - Can view, download, upload, edit, move, and delete assets in both Acquia DAM Classic and Brand Connect.

    • Admin - Full asset and folder permissions in both Acquia DAM Classic and Brand Connect. These users can also configure the system preferences, metadata schema, Brand Connect, user permissions, and group permissions.


Users’ Acquia DAM Classic Workstream user roles and capabilities are determined by their assigned Acquia DAM Classic roles. For example, an Admin in Acquia DAM Classic is also an Admin for Workstream.


Brand Portal

Regular User



Access to Acquia DAM Classic


Access to Brand Connect

View and download assets


Asset/Folder management



Edit permissions and configure metadata





To help you manage the distribution of role types to your users, Acquia DAM Classic can group collections of users, which can then be assigned a role type.

Group types

Acquia DAM Classic includes two default groups for your use, but you can also create custom groups for your specific needs.

Default groups

Acquia DAM Classic includes two groups that all users belong to, by default:

  • Guest – Use this group to control access for a user that is not currently signed in or lacks sign-in credentials. You can configure any folder that the general public can view or download using the Guest group.

  • Logged In – Use this group to control access for a user with sign-in credentials. You can configure any folder that signed-in users can view and download using the Logged In group.


Acquia DAM Classic handles user membership assignment for each default group. You must not manually add users to these groups.

Custom groups

Acquia DAM Classic supports the creation of custom groups that you can use to organize your users for role assignments. To create a custom group, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Groups.

  2. Click the plus icon ( + ) on the actions toolbar.

  3. In the Role (Type), click the role that you want to use for the group, from the following list:

    • Brand Portal

    • Regular User

    • Contributor

  4. Enter the optional group name. The name is visible only to users with the Admin role.

  5. Specify which image and video download presets the group will have access to.

  6. Click Save. Acquia DAM Classic will display the permissions grid dialog.

  7. Edit the permissions of the group.

  8. Click Save.

Editing the folder permissions of a group

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Groups.

  2. Click the wrench icon in the Actions column for the group that you want to update and click Permissions.

    Permissions can be applied to groups, limiting the actions that users can take based on the users group membership.

  3. Specify the folders that the group should have permission to access. For a group to have access to a nested folder, they need View permission to the parent folder.


    The Default row can set permissions for new parent-level folders. By default, new nested folders obtain the permissions of the parent folder.

    • View column - Select this box to allow the group to view a folder.

    • Download column - Click the list and click the appropriate download option from the following list:

      • Allow - The group can download the original asset as well as predefined image and video download presets.

      • Download presets - The group can download a preset file version, but not the original version.

      • Do not allow - Disables the group from downloading. After this option is selected, the Admin can allow users in the group to request a download by enabling download requests globally in system preferences or at a folder level in the folder’s advanced options.

    • Contributor groups will have additional options to upload, edit, move and delete assets and folders. Select the checkbox in each appropriate column.

  4. You can update the permissions for multiple folders all at once by selecting the checkboxes in the orange column, and then specifying the permission access in the top orange row.

  5. To apply permissions to nested folders, in the Apply to Nested column, set the value for the parent folder to Yes.


    The option will always default to No. You can update the option when changing the permissions for a specific folder.

  6. Click Save.

Editing a group

Depending on a group’s type, you can modify an existing group’s configuration:

  • Custom groups - You can edit the role type, name, description, image download presets, and video download presets.

  • Default groups - You can edit the image and download presets for the Logged In group, but you can’t edit the Guest group.

To modify a group’s configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Groups.

  2. Click the group name. You can also click the wrench icon in the row of the group you want to edit, and click Edit group.

  3. Edit the group’s settings based on the following fields:

    • Role (Type)

    • Name

    • Description

    • Image Download Presets

      • Allow users to

    • Video Download Presets

      • Allow users to

  4. Click Save.

Deleting a group

You can delete any custom group that you no longer require; however, you can’t delete Default groups. To delete a custom group, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Groups.

  2. Click the plus icon ( + ) and click Delete group.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

Sending messages to groups

Click the email icon to send a message to specific groups, or all groups. Active users will receive an email and an in-system notification. Inactive users will not receive notifications.

Editing the group permissions of a folder

At the folder level, you can configure which groups have permission to specific folders. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic.

  2. Select the folder you want to change, click the pencil icon, and click Permissions.

  3. Edit the permissions of the group.

  4. To apply permissions to nested folders, select the Apply changes to all nested folders checkbox.

  5. Click Save.


To access Users, Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar, and click Users.

The users page provides an overview of all users in Acquia DAM Classic with their roles, contact information, groups, and usage information.

To access Acquia DAM Classic, users must have associated user accounts, which can then be assigned to role types and associated with groups.

Users can manage their own user profiles in Acquia DAM Classic, including their details such as username, email, and password.

Creating a user

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Users.

  2. Click the plus icon ( + ) on the actions toolbar.

  3. Enter the account information for the new user account. The Username, Email, First Name, and Last Name fields are required. If you do not select the Send user an email with account details check box, you must alert the user that an account has been created for them.

  4. Click Save.


  • Acquia DAM Classic assigns new users the Brand Portal role type and Guest and Logged In group memberships.

  • Users can belong to several groups and will receive the permissions of all the groups they belong to.

  • You can add users to groups under the Users or Groups section.

  • Users must have an active status to sign in to Acquia DAM Classic.

  • You must update a user’s role to add the user to a group.

Adding or removing a group affiliation from a user

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Users.

  2. In the Groups column, select the item that you want to edit. Either add groups or click X for the groups that you want to remove. You must change a user’s role to add the user to a group.

  3. To add multiple users to groups, select the checkboxes for the users that you want to update. Click the wrench icon on the actions toolbar and click Add to group.

  4. Click Save. Acquia DAM Classic will save changes for you while editing in the main interface.

Adding or removing users from groups

To add or remove users from a group, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Groups.

  2. Click the number in the Members column of the group.

  3. Update the users, depending on your needs for the group:

    • Adding users – Click the field under Add Users to this Group, and then search for one or more users. Click the ones you want to add. You must update a user’s role to add the user to a group. To change roles, click Teams and click Users.

    • Removing users – Click the minus icon ( - ) next to the users that you want to remove from the group.

  4. Click Save.

Editing users

To edit a user’s account information, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Users.

  2. Click the user’s name of whose account information you want to edit. You can also click the wrench icon in the row of the user account you want to edit, and click Edit user.

  3. Perform the following functions:

    • edit user details

    • log in as a teammate of the user

    • delete the user


    You can use this user interface to reset passwords and other key information.

  4. Edit the user’s information.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting users

To delete a user’s account from Acquia DAM Classic, complete the following steps:


Acquia does not recommend deleting user accounts from Acquia DAM Classic. Instead, deactivate user accounts that no longer require access. See Updating a user’s status to deactivate a user.

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation, and click Users.

  2. Click the wrench icon in the row of the user that you want to delete, and click Delete user. To delete multiple users, select the checkboxes for the users that you want to delete, click the wrench icon on the actions toolbar, and click Delete.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

Updating a user’s status

A user’s account must be active to sign in to Acquia DAM Classic. If you deactivate a user’s account, the user will not be allowed to sign in; however, Acquia DAM Classic will continue to track their account information. To update a user’s status, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, click Teams in the top navigation bar and click Users.

  2. Find the user you want to modify, and then in the Status column, click the icon to activate or deactivate the user’s account.

To change a group of users’ statuses, select the checkboxes for the users you want to change, click the wrench icon on the actions toolbar, and click Activate or Deactivate.

Additional user management options

To export all of your Acquia DAM Classic users’ account information to a .csv file, click the export icon on the actions toolbar.

To customize the columns displayed on the Users page, click the columns icon next to the search box. The columns on the Users page will revert back to their default organization after you navigate away from the page.

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