
Installing Content Hub 1.x for Drupal 7

This page provides information about how to install Content Hub client modules on a Drupal 7 website.


This installation process creates default rules that must not be changed or deleted.


The following table lists the requirements for using Content Hub with a Drupal 7 website:



Drupal version

Drupal 7

PHP version

PHP 5.4 or later



After you buy Content Hub, Acquia sends you an email with a set of keys. You must use those keys to connect to the Content Hub content repository.


You must use clean URLs.

Installing Content Hub on websites


Before you upgrade your production server, you must test your website with Content Hub on a clone or copy of your Drupal website in a test server environment.

To install Content Hub on each of your websites:

  1. Download and extract the following modules into separate directories in your docroot/sites/all/modules/ directory:

  2. Download the following modules from the most recent Content Hub release, and then extract them into separate directories in your docroot/sites/all/modules/ directory:

    • Content Hub

    • Acquia Content Hub connector


    The Content Hub module package includes the following features that prevent module distribution on

    • All Composer dependencies to set up a Composer workflow

    • All required front-end libraries

  3. Sign in to your website as an administrator.

  4. In the admin menu, click Modules.

    The system displays the Modules page.

  5. Select the Content Hub checkbox.

  6. Click Save configuration to save your module settings.

  7. In the admin menu, click Configuration, and then click the Content Hub Connector link: http://[site_URL]]/admin/config/services/content-hub.

  8. On the Connection tab, enter the appropriate value in each of the following fields:

    • API Key: Acquia-provided value

    • Secret Key: Acquia-provided value

    • Content Hub Connector Hostname: The URL of the Content Hub API. Your Acquia technical contact supplies the URL. Ensure that the URL does not include a trailing slash (/).

    • Client Name: A name for the website. This name is used internally in Content Hub and Content Hub API to identify different member websites of your content network. You cannot change it after you set its value. The name may contain a hyphen or underscore.


      If you uninstall and reinstall Content Hub at any point, you cannot reuse the previously used client name. However, you can use a similar name by appending the previously used name with a unique number. For example, if the previously used name is LIFTSITE, you can use LIFTSITE2.

  9. Click Save configuration.

    Your website is now connected to the Content Hub content repository, and is ready to share content with other connected websites. You can continue to configure permissions and add content.

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