Site Factory

Using path-based domain names

As described in Adding custom domains to your site, you can add a custom domain name to an Site Factory website, such as or Site Factory also supports using path-based custom domains for websites if you add custom code to your application. Path-based domains are custom domains in the form and They enable more choice in custom domain names, and allow a single SSL certificate to handle many websites under the same URL.

Important considerations and requirements

To use path-based custom domains, you must keep in mind the following considerations and path-related issues:

  • Each website must use the Site Factory Connector module 8.x-1.53, 7.x-1.53, or later.
  • Path-based domains can display incorrectly during code deployments.
  • All websites using the same URL must exist on the same Site Factory stack. For example, if you have a website on one stack with the domain, you can’t have a website on a different stack with the domain
  • The path for a website can’t contain more than one subdirectory. For example, you can have a website at, but not at
  • For each website using a path-based custom domain, you must create a symbolic link (symlink) in the docroot directory. For more information, see Creating symbolic links for path-based custom domains.

If your website has custom db-update hooks, you must add Drush version 9.6 or later to your codebase, or ensure all domains passed to Drush commands contain a trailing slash.

For known issues about path-based domains, see Known issues with path-based domains.

Adding a path-based custom domain

You can add a path-based custom domain (such as in the Site Factory Management Console in the same way you add any custom domain. For more information, see Adding your domain.

Resolving domain name conflicts

If you try to assign a domain name already in use for another website, you will see an error message like the following example:

Oops! Looks like there was a problem

A domain can belong only to a single server group. This domain is already
assigned to the ``xyz654`` server group via the ``example`` site. This site
is served via the ``abc123`` server group.

To resolve the error, either choose a different domain name, or remove the conflicting domain name from the other website. It may take several minutes after removing a conflicting domain name before it becomes available for re-use.

DNS error message

After you add a path-based domain to a website, the Site Factory Management Console displays a message like the following example:

Your domain name has been successfully added to the site. The domain does not have a DNS record that points to this
site. Confirm the domain and contact your DNS provider to add a CNAME or
address record (A record) to point to

If you have already pointed your DNS records to your Site Factory website, you can ignore this message. A known issue in Site Factory prevents this Site Factory Management Console page from performing DNS lookups for path-based domains.

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