Cloud Platform

Modules and applications incompatible with Cloud Platform

Due to Cloud Platform’s security and permissions requirements, you may experience incompatibilities with some applications and Drupal contributed modules.


For information about modules that can be used with Cloud Platform, but that may require additional configuration, see Modules to use with caution on Cloud Platform.


The following Drupal contributed modules cannot be used with Cloud Platform-based websites:

Advanced VarnishRequires subscribers to replace Acquia’s default VCL with a companion custom Varnish configuration. Since Cloud Platform does not support this replacement, you cannot use this module with Cloud Platform.
ApacheSolr fileRequires you to update the solrconfig.xml file. Since Cloud Platform does not support this update, you cannot use this module with Cloud Platform.
APCStores data on a per-infrastructure basis, which can lead to different data being served by different infrastructure. It also uses memory that would otherwise be used by OPcache. As an alternative, you can use Memcached.
AutoSlaveHardcodes the settings and can cause your infrastructure to read or write to the incorrect database.
Background ProcessDoes not have compatibility with Cloud Platform.
Backup and MigrateDoes not have compatibility with Cloud Platform. For more information, see Backup and Migrate module not supported in Cloud Platform.
Block Cache AlterCauses issues with caching and is outdated.
BoostCreates many disk writes, which can cause problems on shared infrastructure. For more information, see Boost and Cloud Platform.
CDNDoes not have compatibility with Cloud Platform, specifically the File Conveyor sub-module. The distributed file system used by Cloud Platform Enterprise does not support inotify, which is required for operation. This is related to CDNs and you can use the Origin Pull mode.
CiviCRMHas a dependency on stored procedures and triggers that do not work in the Cloud Platform user interface.
CloudFlare Purge (cfpurge)Includes API limits that may prevent users from viewing updated content on your website. As an alternative, you can use the Acquia Purge module.
Configuration ManagementRequires a writeable directory that is also trackable at the same time by Git. This approach is not possible in Cloud Platform.
Facebook ConnectRequires session cookies to be set, preventing Varnish from caching pages.
File Cache

Moves caching to the file system to cause:

  • Major load on the distributed file system
  • Outages of sites
Global FilterSets session cookies to filter views, preventing Varnish from caching pages.
H5PSets session cookies for anonymous visitors using pages that contain H5P elements. This bypasses Varnish caching in all future requests for those anonymous users.

HTTP/2 Server Push

Has reached end-of-life.
IP Geolocation Views & MapsRequires session cookies to be set, preventing Varnish from caching pages.
Memcache StorageHas limited updates from developers. As an alternative, you can use the Memcache API and Integration module, which integrates with Acquia’s memcached implementation.
Mobile ToolsPrevents the use of Varnish. As an alternative, see Enabling device-based redirects.
MonologUses a syslog configuration that is incompatible with Cloud Platform. As an alternative, you can use the core Syslog module.
OptimizeDBOptimizes all database tables and displays their sizes. This can cause locked tables and other performance problems for your website.
Pantheon Advanced Page CacheCauses Drupal to output large HTTP headers. This causes errors of type 500 that are difficult to troubleshoot. As an alternative, you can use the Acquia Purge module.
PDF to HTML node generatorProvides integration with the pdftohtml php library.
Role memory limitOverrides memory limits set in the settings.php file.
Serial FieldSupports an auto_increment of one instead of five. For more information, see Why do node IDs increment by more than one?.
Session APIRequires session cookies to be set, preventing Varnish from caching pages. When using this module, cron can run intense queries to join the session and session_api tables, causing major slowdowns.
Session Cache APIDoes not have compatibility with Varnish caching. It may also cause file system performance issues.
Shibboleth AuthenticationDoes not have compatibility with Cloud Platform. As alternatives, you can use SimpleSAMLphp or LDAP.
SimpleTestSupports an auto_increment of one instead of five. For more information, see Tests fail when auto-increment is not 1 and Why do node IDs increment by more than one?.
Smart IPDoes not have compatibility with Varnish caching because it sets session cookies for anonymous users.
SupercookieDoes not have compatibility with Varnish caching because it stores sessions outside of the session table and sets No-Cache headers.
Text SizeRequires session cookies to be set, preventing Varnish from caching pages.
VarnishAttempts to replicate the effort of the Varnish Cache that is already available in Cloud Platform applications. It does not work with Cloud Platform applications because it requires connections to load balancers that are not provided by Acquia. The Varnish caching provided by Acquia works out-of-the-box as long as you use caching.
Varnish PurgeDoes not have compatibility with Cloud Platform. To purge Varnish in Cloud Platform, you must disable this module and use the Acquia Purge module.
Views Filter HarmonizerSets a SESSION cookie, preventing Varnish from caching pages.
WebPCreates a WebP copy of image style derivatives to decrease loading times. WebP support is limited in Cloud Platform. You can use WebP images in websites that are powered by Cloud Platform. However, the platform does not support using WebP with ImageMagick. Therefore, you might face issues with image resizing and cropping through Drupal image styles. For more information, see How to enable support for WebP images on Acquia Cloud.


For information about other software that is incompatible with Cloud Platform, see Unsupported software.

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