Cloud Platform

Managing Cloud Platform infrastructure


For Cloud Next environments, the Infrastructure page is available only if Web Elastic IP addresses(EIPs) are provisioned for such environments. If Web EIPs are not provisioned for your Cloud Next environment, the system does not display this page. However, the Infrastructure page is always available on Cloud Classic environments.

Each Cloud Platform environment runs on one or more cloud-based virtual machines. The amount of cloud capacity available to an environment depends on the version of Acquia Cloud that an environment is running on (Cloud Classic or Cloud Next), as well as the product level (Cloud Platform Professional or Cloud Platform Enterprise) and the anticipated monthly traffic associated with that environment’s subscription.

  • Cloud Platform Enterprise: Production environments run in a high-availability architecture, with two or more load balancers, two or more application-layer nodes, and, depending on traffic tier, two or more nodes reserved for file system and database activity. For non-production environments on Cloud Next, all infrastructure is high-availability. For non-production environments on Cloud Classic infrastructure, all application, file system, and database services are run from a single cloud-based node.

  • Cloud Platform Professional: All environments run on a single cloud-based node, which may be dedicated to one subscription, or may be shared with other subscriptions.

For environments running on the Cloud Classic version of Cloud Platform, you can view information about your Cloud Platform infrastructure on the Applications > [Environment] > Infrastructure page. For Cloud Platform Professional subscriptions, you can also use this page to reboot, relaunch, resize, or suspend your infrastructure. For information about configuring the environments that run on Cloud Platform, see Configuring an environment.

For environments running on Cloud Next, the Infrastructure page is no longer available since most infrastructure dynamically scales and may be replaced or renamed without notice.

Viewing infrastructure information

The Infrastructure page displays the following information about your infrastructure (information may vary based on your subscription):

  • Name: The infrastructure’s name.

  • SSH address: The address used to SSH to the infrastructure (including its realm).

  • IP address: Displayed only if the infrastructure has an Elastic IP address.

  • Size: The current size of the infrastructure, including both ECU (or vCPU) and RAM.

  • Region: The AWS region in which the infrastructure is located.

  • Web: Whether or not this is a web infrastructure, and if it is currently active or passive.

  • Database: Whether or not this infrastructure contains a database, and the database function (primary or secondary) of this infrastructure.

  • Balancer: Whether or not this infrastructure also is a load balancer.

  • Dedicated: Whether or not this infrastructure is dedicated to this application, or if it is shared.

  • Memcache memory allocation: The amount of space (in MB) allocated to Memcached infrastructure-wide.

If you have multiple infrastructure, you may want to limit which infrastructure is displayed by Cloud Platform. To do this, you can clear the checkboxes for Web, Database, or Balancer to hide infrastructure with those functions.

Manage SSH credentials

To connect to a specific infrastructure with SSH, you must register an SSH public key with your Acquia profile and have the necessary permissions.

To add an SSH key:

  1. Sign in to the Cloud Platform user interface

  2. Click your profile icon at the top right corner.

  3. Click Account Settings > Credentials.

  4. Click Manage SSH keys.

    This opens the SSH Keys page.

  5. Click Add SSH Key to add an SSH key.


The latest version of Cloud Platform, “Cloud Next,” does not have dedicated infrastructure that you can SSH onto. Hence, you should prepare for upgrades by converting all SSH scripts and commands you utilize to the newer syntax now shown on your Environment overview page, even if your environment still runs on the Cloud Classic version of Cloud Platform. For example,

ssh [email protected]

Infrastructure utilization graphs

Cloud Platform Professional customers can view their infrastructure’s utilization graphs by clicking the Server graphs action icon.

This link directs to the Stack Metrics page. Users can click directly on the Stack Metrics in the sidebar for this information as well.

Infrastructure size

The infrastructure size is the processing capacity (measured in ECU) and total memory (in GB).


The infrastructure location is the AWS availability zone in which the infrastructure is located. This is set when you create your Acquia subscription.

Reboot, relaunch, resize, or suspend your infrastructure

On the Infrastructure page, you can reboot, relaunch, resize, or suspend your Cloud Platform Professional infrastructure. You may also resize your available storage volume. This feature is available only to Cloud Platform Professional customers. Acquia manages any needed reboots or relaunches for Cloud Platform Enterprise applications.

How Cloud Platform handles non-persistent data with infrastructure relaunches or resizing

  • Log files - On Cloud Classic environments, historical logs are stored in a location on your infrastructure that is optimized for fast read/ write activity. Although this works for actively and simultaneously updating multiple log files, the directory will not persist after infrastructure is relaunched. Log files do persist when infrastructure is rebooted. For this reason, to ensure that logs are stored permanently on Cloud Platform Professional applications, copy your log files to permanent storage before relaunching your infrastructure. For more information, see Downloading historical logs directly from the infrastructure. On Cloud Next, most system logs are only available from the Cloud Platform user interface, Acquia Cloud API v2, or Acquia CLI.

  • Host file changes - Acquia does not support changing an infrastructure’s hosts file.


All provided times are estimates. These processes may take more time than the listed here due to infrastructure size or other factors.


To reboot your infrastructure:

  1. On the Infrastructure page, click Reboot.

  2. In the confirmation dialog, click Reboot server.

When you reboot your infrastructure, all applications on the infrastructure are unavailable for about 5 minutes while the infrastructure reboots.


To relaunch your infrastructure:

  1. On the Infrastructure page, click Relaunch.

  2. In the confirmation dialog, click Relaunch server.

When you relaunch your infrastructure, all applications on the infrastructure are unavailable for 10 to 30 minutes while a new infrastructure is provisioned. You should not relaunch your infrastructure unless you have been instructed to by Acquia.


To resize your infrastructure:

  1. On the Infrastructure page, click Resize Server.

  2. On the Resize server page, drag the slider to select the new size for your infrastructure. As you move the slider, the Price change field displays the increase or decrease in the monthly cost for the infrastructure.

  3. Click Resize.

When you resize your infrastructure, all applications on the infrastructure are unavailable for 10 to 30 minutes while a new infrastructure is provisioned.

To resize an infrastructure disk, see Managing disk storage space.


To suspend your infrastructure:

  1. On the Infrastructure page, click the Suspend server link.

  2. In the confirmation dialog, click the Suspend server button.

All applications on your infrastructure are unavailable until you relaunch the infrastructure.

Memcached memory allocation

For environments running on Cloud Classic infrastructure, Memcached memory can be allocated and customized on a per-infrastructure basis. This setting affects all environments on that infrastructure.


Only Cloud Platform Professional subscribers can change the Memcached memory (MB) value available here. Cloud Platform Enterprise and Site Factory subscribers must :create a Support ticket to have their Memcached settings modified on Cloud Classic infrastructure. Subscribers with applications on Cloud Next can configure Memcached memory per-environment on the Advanced tab of the Configure Environment page. For more information, see Configuring PHP settings.

To view or change the allocated memory on a Cloud Platform Professional infrastructure:

  1. Click the Configure link next to the infrastructure.

  2. Change the Memcached memory (MB) value.

    Memcached allocations greater than 128 MB

    Subscribers with Cloud Platform Plus, Cloud Platform Premium and Cloud Platform Elite subscriptions must purchase the Cloud Platform Performance Boost add-on for applications needing a Memcached memory limit greater than 128 MB, unless your environments run on Cloud Next. Contact your Account Manager for more information.

  3. Click Save.

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