Cloud Platform

Drupal request logs

The Drupal request log (drupal-requests.log) contains a list of requests that Apache has sent to Drupal for processing and display.

For a list of the log files handled by Cloud Platform, including accessing these log files, log file retention, and their locations, see About Cloud Platform logging. You can also review information about how to streaming Apache log entries in real time from your browser.

Note for log forwarding users

Acquia’s log forwarding feature prepends information to the beginning of each line forwarded to an external service. For more information, see File formats in forwarded log files.

Parsing the log file

The following line is a representative example of the data written into your website’s Drupal request log:

[03/Feb/2017:00:14:36 +0000] POST /dashboard
http_code=302 query= uid=154496 php_pid=30961 php_time=0.203 queue_wait=0
request_id="v-0000zzzz-e9a5-11e6-98b5-0aeea9eaf9af" drupal_version="9.4.8"

Each of the items in the Drupal request log is noted in the following table, along with its description:


0[03/Feb/2017:00:14:36 +0000]Date and time of the request.
1www.example.comDomain name of the request.
2POSTThe HTTP method of the request, usually GET or POST. POST requests are form submissions.
3/dashboard/The path to the requested resource.
4http_code=302The HTTP status code returned by this request. Note that production environments don’t display full information for HTTP 5xx status codes.
5query=The querystring, which is the portion of the request_uri after the question mark.
6uid=154496The Drupal user ID initiating the request. 0 means an anonymous user.
7php_pid=30961The PHP process ID (pid) for this request.
8php_time=0.203Time, in seconds, needed to process this request.
9queue_wait=0The number of seconds this request had to wait for a PHP process to become available to handle it.
10request_id="v-bf1b9 6bc-e9a5-11e6-98b5-0a eea9eaf9af"A unique ID attached to this request by the load balancer, which appears in several Cloud Platform log files. For more information, see Using HTTP request IDs.
The Drupal version in the platform.


A Drush command does not have an associated web request. Drupal request log entries corresponding to Drush commands do not have a request_id column.

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