Content Hub

Entity pre-qualification commands in Content Hub 1.x


Content Hub 1.x will reach end-of-life on September 30, 2024. Acquia recommends you to upgrade to Content Hub 3.x. For more information, see Upgrading from Content Hub 1.x to 3.x.

Entity pre-qualification is an audit process that provides:

  • An idea of efforts required to upgrade from Content Hub 1.x to Content Hub 2.x
  • An idea of the major risk factors in using Content Hub 2.x from the site’s perspective
  • Warnings and highlights elements that need attention
  • General information about the expected syndication

To measure the success of the syndication process, Acquia introduced some measurement points, which are called Key Risk Indicators. An indicator can have two resolutions:

  • The observed attribute is risky.
  • The observed attribute is not risky.

Every command in the bundle covers one or more indicators. By default, the output is set to table, but json is also available. A row contains the KRI name, the value, a meaningful message, and the resolution of the check.


If a check is considered risky, it does not necessarily mean that it imposes a blocker to the overall implementation. It provides an idea of the possible weak points.

For more information about the commands and options, run the command with the --help flag. You can run all commands remotely and locally. To run the commands remotely, you must first specify a platform. You can use the platform commands to register a new platform.

Acquia recommends that you run the commands locally. Dependency calculations might take considerable time to run, which might cause a timeout. To circumvent the timeout issue you can increase the timeout with the --timeout [int] option.


The ach:pq:all and ach:pq:dependencies commands run dependency calculations, which might take a considerable time based on the content architecture. If the command fails due to memory errors, it means that the dependency graph is too complex for the environment to handle. Therefore, you must try to calculate only for specific entity types or bundles.

The following table lists the entity pre-qualification commands:

ach:pq:all--exclude [checks…], --checks [checks…] 
--format [json|table]

Runs all the commands within the bundle.

  • To exclude specific checks, specify --exclude.
  • To run specific checks exclusively, specify --checks.

Use the name of the check such as entity-types. You can specify both options multiple times.

ach:pq:general--format [json|table]Runs general checks against the site, such as the Drupal version and - if exists - Content Hub Module version.
ach:pq:entity-types--format [json|table]Runs checks against unsupported entity types.
ach:pq:code-check--format [json|table]Checks for any Content Hub Module 1.x hook implementations.
ach:pq:dependencies--format [json|table], --entity-type [entity_types]
  • Checks the allowed cache bin size for depcalc.
  • Counts eligible entities.
  • Calculates dependency numbers for specific entity types if you provide --entity-type.
ach:pq:entity-structure--format [json|table], --entity-type [entity_types]
  • Checks the node or the provided bundle structures by default.
  • Looks for risky fields such as entity reference and entity reference revision specifically for paragraphs.
ach:pq:language--format [json|table]Lists enabled languages and the number of entities in those translations.
ach:pq:modules--format [json|table]
  • Prints the list of supported modules
  • Looks for specific modules, such as panelizer or layout_builder, that require attention.

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