
Configuring multilingual Drupal for Acquia Commerce Manager

Drupal can, on its own, support several languages. Drupal’s supports multiple languages, so you can add one or more additional languages to your Drupal application and its Acquia Commerce Manager-related content by using the Languages module in Drupal core.

To configure multi-language support for your Drupal application with a configured Acquia Commerce Manager installation, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your Drupal website as an administrator.

  2. Enable the following Drupal modules on your website:

    • Language

    • Content Translation

    • Configuration Translation

    • Taxonomy

  3. In the admin menu, go to Configuration > Regional and Language > Languages, and then click Add language.

  4. Select the new language from the list, and then click Add language. For example, you can add French and Spanish.

  5. In the admin menu, select Configuration > Regional and Language > Content language and translation.

  6. Select the Content and Taxonomy Term checkboxes.

  7. In the Translatable section, select the checkboxes for the fields that you want to make translatable. The list of selected fields should include the following selections:

    • Product (Content)

    • Promotion (Content)

    • Product Category (Taxonomy)

    • SKU Product option (Taxonomy)

  8. Click Save configuration.

  9. In the admin menu, go to Commerce > Configuration > Store Settings

  10. Set the Store ID (also known as the ACM UUID) to the en_US or primary store view id from Magento. This ID generally has a value of 1.

  11. Click Translate store settings, and then click Edit for one of the languages (such as Spanish). The webpage will display the translatable configuration fields. The Store ID for the EN Drupal language will be displayed on the left, and the Store ID for the Magento Spanish store view will be displayed on the right.

  12. Enter the Spanish Magento store’s ID value, such as 2. The Store ID or ACM UUID does not have to be meaningful. However, the values for each language or region must be unique in Drupal. It is recommended that you use the Magento store view integer IDs for this step.

  13. Click Save translation.

  14. Verify that your Drupal website has the authorization configured to enable the connector to properly map to the Magento store views. You will need the following items:

Your Drupal website should now be ready to receive communications from the Commerce Connector Service.

Next step: Configuring multilingual Magento

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