Content Hub

Keeping content synchronized in Content Hub 1.x


Content Hub 1.x will reach end-of-life on September 30, 2024. Acquia recommends you to upgrade to Content Hub 3.x. For more information, see Upgrading from Content Hub 1.x to 3.x.

The Acquia Content Hub Status module, included with Content Hub, provides you a Drush command and cron job you can use to verify that your imported content is synchronized with the latest content updates that have been pushed to Content Hub. The module compares recent entity events from the history API endpoint against the already imported entities to determine if they match.

You can configure how many minutes must pass before content is considered stale, how far back in your log events to check, and what email addresses to notify if stale content is discovered.

Configuring synchronization monitoring

To configure synchronization monitoring, you will need to identify the content types that you want to monitor, configure how far back in time you want each check to extend, and configure how many minutes an entity can be out of date before Content Hub sends notifications.

Identify content types to monitor

To configure the content types that you want to monitor:

  1. Sign in to Content Hub.
  2. Go to the Modules page by using one of the following methods:
    • In the top menu, click Extend.
    • In your browser’s address bar, go to http://[your_site]/admin/modules (where [your_site] is your website’s URL).
  3. In the module list, find Acquia Content Hub Status, and then select its checkbox.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage, and then click Install.
  5. In the top menu, click Configuration.
  6. Scroll to Web Services, and then click Acquia Content Hub.
  7. By default, all syndicated entities are enabled to updates, unless changes are made to the entity on the subscribing website, or if the entity on the subscribing website is manually edited to disable updates:

Now that you have selected the content types you want to monitor, you should configure the status checks.

Configure status checks

Entities will be examined during cron runs if the Acquia Content Hub Status module is enabled. To configure these status checks:

  1. Sign in to Content Hub.
  2. In the top menu, click Configuration.
  3. Scroll to the Web Services section, and then click Acquia Content Hub.
  4. Click Content Hub Status.
  5. In the Threshold list, click the number of minutes that an entity can be behind the entity published in Content Hub. Differences larger than this threshold signal that an entity is outdated.
  6. In the Limit list, click the number of last history events to review for update or create events that may have modified entities.
  7. If you want notifications to be sent when entities found to be out of date, select the Send Email Notification checkbox, and then enter the email addresses to notify (one email address per line).

If you want to configure status checks outside of normal cron runs, you can create a cron job to perform status checks using Drush.

For more information about setting up cron jobs on Cloud Platform Enterprise see Using scheduled jobs to support your application. For more information about cron jobs on Site Factory, see Managing cron tasks using the management console.

Perform status checks using Drush

You can use the following Drush command to perform content checks with scheduled cron jobs or on demand, replacing the [limit] and [threshold] values with values that are appropriate for your website:

drush acquia-contenthub-status-check [limit] [threshold]

For most websites, a limit between 10 and 25 will be sufficient, but if you are publishing content frequently, your website may need a higher limit. An appropriate threshold value will depend on your website’s architecture and how frequently your content is updated, but a value between 5 and 10 will be appropriate for many websites.

If you set up the check as a cron job, the cron job will scan for entities that became outdated since the last cron run.


If you receive a You have requested a non-existent service error message, verify that the Acquia Content Hub Status module is enabled.

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