
Social publishing with Acquia DAM Classic

Social publishing allows users with appropriate access to publish digital assets from Acquia DAM Classic to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. (Additional options are available with the Hootsuite integration.)

Enabling the integration

The information in this section applies only to users that have Admin role type permissions.

Use the following instructions to enable social publishing from Acquia DAM Classic:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic.

  2. Click the settings icon in the top menu, and then click System Preferences.

  3. In the Cloud Sharing Settings section, click the Social publishing channels field, and then click the channels that you want to enable, from the following list:

    • Facebook

    • Twitter

    • YouTube

  4. Click Save.

After social publishing is enabled, users with the Contributor role, and other users with the View and download assets permission will be able to publish to social channels. For more information about assigning roles and permissions, see Managing users and groups.

Publishing assets to a social channel

To publish one or more assets to a social channel, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic.

  2. Click the asset that you want to publish.


    Supported file types include JPG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, MOV, MPEG4, MP4, AVI and WMV. The maximum asset size is 5 GB.

  3. From the Asset Details page, click the publishing icon in the actions toolbar.

  4. Select the social channel to which you want to publish.

  5. Add an account for the social channel by clicking Link New Account from the Select Account list.

  6. You will be prompted to sign in to the social channel you selected. Follow the instructions to grant Acquia DAM access to publish to your account.

  7. After you have granted authorization, enter any text that you want in the post.

  8. Click Send to post immediately. Click Change to schedule your post for later.

Viewing social publishing activity reports

The information in this section applies only to users that have Admin role type permissions.

To view a report of social publishing activity, click Reports, and then click Publish Schedule. From the report you can edit, cancel or view posts.

You can also view a specific post on a social channel. To do this, click the wrench icon in the Action column, and then click View.

If you need to edit scheduled posts, click the wrench icon, and then click Edit.

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