Campaign Factory

Custom web fonts

With custom web fonts, you can edit the font configuration within Campaign Factory to add or remove any fonts for your instances. These custom web fonts are available in the editor in the Landing Page Builder and Email Builder.


Both Campaign Studio-only customers and customers with a Campaign Factory subscription can use custom web fonts for their Campaign Studio instances. To get custom web fonts, contact your customer success manager or create a Support ticket.

To configure custom web fonts in Campaign Factory, you must have Admin role, Super User role, or a Campaign Factory custom role with ‘Brand Instance’ edit permissions. Custom web fonts in Campaign Factory are set at the customer level, and are reflected in all the instances attached to the accounts for that specific customer. You can add, edit, or delete custom web fonts in the Campaign Factory UI.

Web fonts are hosted online and are loaded by the email client when the email is opened. Campaign Studio accepts only the CSS font embedding method, and the CSS file must be hosted in the HTTPS protocol. You can use services like Google fonts that provide host, font stacks, and a well-formatted CSS file. The customer must review any rendering-related issues and verify browser/client supported fonts.


Not all email clients support web fonts. Acquia is not responsible for font rendering across email providers. Acquia recommends you to thoroughly test emails for quality control, as rendering issues are are outside of Acquia support offerings.

The following email clients generally support web fonts:

  • iOS Mail

  • Apple Mail

  • Android (default mail client, not Gmail app)

  • Outlook 2000

  • app

  • Thunderbird

Adding custom web fonts

  1. On the Campaign Factory landing page, click the Settings icon in the top right corner, and click Custom Web Fonts.

    The system displays the Custom web fonts page.

  2. Click Add custom web font.

    The system displays the Create a new custom web font entry dialog box with the following fields:

    • Font Name

    • Font Css URL

    • Font Stack

  3. Enter an appropriate value in each field and click Save.

    The Custom web fonts page displays the new custom font entry.


    Do not enclose custom fonts in double quotes in the Font Stack field. No quotes or single quotes can be used. Ensure that you provide a unique name for each custom font.

Editing custom web fonts

  1. On the Campaign Factory landing page, click the Settings icon in the top right corner, and click Custom Web Fonts.

  2. Locate the custom font that you want to edit and click its corresponding Edit icon.

  3. In the Edit font message box, make the required changes and click Save.

Deleting custom web fonts

  1. On the Campaign Factory landing page, click the Settings icon in the top right corner, and click Custom Web Fonts.

  2. Locate the custom font that you want to delete, and click its corresponding Delete icon.

  3. In the Delete Font message box, click Delete.

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