Campaign Factory

Release notes

This webpage describes the regular updates Acquia has made to Campaign Factory. Note that some release dates may be in the future to enable subscribers to prepare their environments for upcoming product versions.


For previous release information, see the individual release note pages for 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020.

Campaign Factory - August 12, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note

Campaign Factory did not allow users to have an apostrophe in user names.

FIXMAUT-11438When a custom domain for Campaign Factory was added in the Reseller Settings dialog box, users could not access Campaign Factory by using the custom domain.

Campaign Factory - May 30, 2024

TypeRelated ticketRelease note

Acquia and Mautic branding is removed from Campaign Factory when the Reseller Settings is enabled.

CHANGEMAUT-11374Campaign Factory sends an email to new users with a link to reset their password.

The Block Email Sending checkbox did not function on the Instance dialog box.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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