Campaign Factory

Users and roles

Campaign Factory allows you to create users and assign roles to those users. By default, there are two roles. However, you can create custom roles as well and assign them to users.

Creating a user

To create a user:

  1. Log in to Campaign Factory.
  2. Go to Settings > Users.

  3. Go to Settings > Users.

    In the user list, you can only see the users who have at least one common account with you.

  4. Click Create to create a new user.

  5. Specify the user name and email address.

    The system sends the new user an email with a link to set their password.

  6. In Accounts, select the accounts that must be accessible to the user.


    To assign the user to all accounts, select All.

  7. In Roles, select the role with the defined permission set that you want to assign to the user. For more inforomation on roles, see Creating a role.
  8. Click Save.

Creating a role

By default, Campaign Factory has two roles, which can’t be updated.

  • Super Users: Have full permissions within Campaign Factory.
  • Administrators: Have permission to add, edit, and delete users as well as view, edit, create, and delete accounts.

Apart from the two above roles, you can also create custom roles and associate users to such roles.

To create a role:

  1. Log in to Campaign Factory.

  2. Go to Settings > User Roles.
  3. Click Create to create a new user.

  4. Specify a name for your role.
  5. Select the permissions that you want to associate with the role.


    • To grant all permissions to the role, select the Select All checkbox.
    • To grant all permissions within a specific bucket to the role, click the checkbox corresponding to that bucket. For example, Accounts, Brand Instance, etc.
  6. Click Save.

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