Campaign Factory

2022 Release notes - Campaign Factory

This webpage describes the updates Acquia made to Campaign Factory in 2022. For the latest updates, see Release notes.

Campaign Factory - December 15, 2022

  • Fix Customers were unable to update custom domains through Campaign Factory.

Campaign Factory - October 3, 2022

  • Feature Users can manage unused segments across instances and unpublish them to improve performance.

  • Fix Instances were not fetched when their associated account had a contact limit of zero.

  • Fix Campaign Factory displayed an error for the IP pool selection field when the email limit for the instance was exceeded.

Campaign Factory - August 29, 2022

  • Feature Users can determine IP pools for email sending for accounts, instances, and template instances.

  • Feature Tokens for custom fields being used in the email Advanced tab are copied with resource copy and Golden Template.

  • Fix Instance monthly email limits were not editable.

Campaign Factory - June 20, 2022

  • Feature Enhancements are made to the user search experience.

  • Fix Discrepancy in the matrix for the email statistics page was resolved.

  • Fix Instance contact limit displayed the incorrect default value of 10, 000 contacts.

  • Fix After deleting the existing template instance resource, resource copy from the child instance to the template instance was failing.

  • Fix Users could not edit Modify Contact Tags on a Resource Copied form.

  • Fix Form fields were missing from destination instance forms after Resource Copy.

Campaign Factory - May 10, 2022

  • Fix Resource copy did not work for campaigns with the Change campaigns event set to Add contact to this campaign (restart the campaign).

Campaign Factory - April 27, 2022

  • Fix Resource copy showed a wrong error message when deleted segments were used in the Modify contact’s segments form action.

Campaign Factory - April 11, 2022

  • Feature Users can copy reports from the source instance to destination instances.

Campaign Factory - March 16, 2022

  • Change While copying resources, users can select multiple resources without closing the selection list.

  • Fix Campaigns could not be reliably copied between instances.

  • Fix Users were not visible in the UI when all attached accounts were deleted.

Campaign Factory - January 19, 2022

  • Change Template instances no longer count towards a customer’s instance limit.

  • Change Page titles appear in the browser for Campaign Factory.

  • Fix Copying multiple campaigns between instances at the same time failed when events in different campaigns had the same name.

  • Fix Form actions created after a Send email to contact action failed when copying forms between instances.

  • Fix Data did not copy after Post results to another form form submit actions when copying forms between instances.

  • Fix Custom domains with capital letters did not get validated.

  • Fix Instances could be created with invalid subdomains.

  • Fix Accounts with attached instances could be deleted.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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